Pagination and General Styles

Understanding XSL FO Margins

To make sense of the parameters in this section, it's useful to consider Figure 1, “Page Model”.

Figure 1. Page Model

Figure showing page margins

First, let's consider the regions on the page.

The white region is the physical page. Its dimensions are determined by the page.height and page.width parameters.

The yellow region is the region-body. The size and placement of the region body is constrained by the dimensions labelled in the figure.

The pink region at the top of the page is the region-before. The darker area inside the region-before is the header text. In XSL, the default display alignment for a region is before, but the DocBook stylesheets still explicitly make it before. That's why the darker area is at the top.

The pink region at the bottom of the page is the region-after. The darker area is the footer text. In XSL, the default display alignment for a region is before, but the DocBook stylesheets explicitly make it after. That's why the darker area is at the bottom.

The dimensions in the figure are:

  1. The page-master margin-top.

  2. The region-before extent.

  3. The region-body margin-top.

  4. The region-after extent.

  5. The page-master margin-bottom.

  6. The region-body margin-bottom.

  7. The sum of the page-master margin-left and the region-body margin-left. In DocBook, the region-body margin-left is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master margin-left.

  8. The sum of the page-master margin-right and the region-body margin-right. In DocBook, the region-body margin-right is zero by default, so this is simply the page-master margin-right.

Table of Contents

page.height — The height of the physical page
page.height.portrait — Specify the physical size of the long edge of the page
page.margin.bottom — The bottom margin of the page
page.margin.inner — The inner page margin
page.margin.outer — The outer page margin — The top margin of the page
page.orientation — Select the page orientation
page.width — The width of the physical page
page.width.portrait — Specify the physical size of the short edge of the page
paper.type — Select the paper type
double.sided — Is the document to be printed double sided?
body.margin.bottom — The bottom margin of the body text — To specify the size of the top margin of a page
body.start.indent — The start-indent for the body text
body.end.indent — The end-indent for the body text
alignment — Specify the default text alignment
hyphenate — Specify hyphenation behavior
line-height — Specify the line-height property
column.count.back — Number of columns on back matter pages
column.count.body — Number of columns on body pages
column.count.front — Number of columns on front matter pages
column.count.index — Number of columns on index pages
column.count.lot — Number of columns on a 'List-of-Titles' page
column.count.titlepage — Number of columns on a title page — Gap between columns in back matter — Gap between columns in the body — Gap between columns in the front matter — Gap between columns in the index — Gap between columns on a 'List-of-Titles' page — Gap between columns on title pages
region.after.extent — Specifies the height of the footer.
region.before.extent — Specifies the height of the header
default.units — Default units for an unqualified dimension
normal.para.spacing — What space do you want between normal paragraphs
body.font.master — Specifies the default point size for body text
body.font.size — Specifies the default font size for body text
footnote.font.size — The font size for footnotes
title.margin.left — Adjust the left margin for titles
draft.mode — Select draft mode
draft.watermark.image — The URI of the image to be used for draft watermarks
headers.on.blank.pages — Put headers on blank pages?
footers.on.blank.pages — Put footers on blank pages?
header.rule — Rule under headers?
footer.rule — Rule over footers?
header.column.widths — Specify relative widths of header areas
footer.column.widths — Specify relative widths of footer areas — Apply properties to the header layout table
header.table.height — Specify the minimum height of the table containing the running page headers — Apply properties to the footer layout table
footer.table.height — Specify the minimum height of the table containing the running page footers — Properties of page header content — Properties of page footer content
marker.section.level — Control depth of sections shown in running headers or footers