— Properties to make a figure or table page wide.
<xsl:attribute-set name=""> <xsl:attribute name="start-indent">0pt</xsl:attribute> </xsl:attribute-set>
This attribute set is used to set the properties
that make a figure or table "page wide" in fo output.
It comes into effect when an attribute pgwide="1"
is used.
By default, it sets start-indent
to 0pt
In a stylesheet that sets the parameter
to a non-zero value in order to indent body text,
this attribute set can be used to outdent pgwide
figures to the start margin.
If a document uses a multi-column page layout,
then this attribute set could try setting span
to a value of all
. However, this may
not work with some processors because a span property must be on an
fo:block that is a direct child of fo:flow. It may work in
some processors anyway.