Table of Contents

html.base — An HTML base URI
html.stylesheet.type — The type of the stylesheet used in the generated HTML
html.stylesheet — Name of the stylesheet(s) to use in the generated HTML
css.decoration — Enable CSS decoration of elements
spacing.paras — Insert additional <p> elements for spacing? — Pass emphasis role attribute through to HTML? — Pass para role attribute through to HTML? — Pass phrase role attribute through to HTML? — Pass entry role attribute through to HTML?
html.longdesc — Should longdesc URIs be created? — Should a link to the longdesc be included in the HTML?
make.valid.html — Attempt to make sure the HTML output is valid HTML
html.cleanup — Attempt to clean up the resulting HTML?
html.append — Specifies content to append to HTML output
draft.mode — Select draft mode
draft.watermark.image — The URI of the image to be used for draft watermarks — Generate ID attributes on container elements?
generate.meta.abstract — Generate HTML META element from abstract?
make.clean.html — Make HTML conform to modern coding standards
docbook.css.source — Name of the default CSS input file — Insert a link referencing the default CSS stylesheet
custom.css.source — Name of a custom CSS input file
generate.css.header — Insert generated CSS styles in HEAD element