#!/usr/bin/perl # $Id: cloak,v 1.3 2005/06/15 10:56:18 xmldoc Exp $ =head1 NAME cloak, uncloak - cloak/uncloak content in XML/SGML documents =head1 SYNOPSIS cloak [filename] uncloak [filename] =cut undef $/; $comment = "DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT! This is a 'cloaked' document - use 'cloak' or 'uncloak' to uncloak it."; $file = shift(@ARGV); if ($file) { open(FILE, $file) || die "$0: Cannot read from $file\n"; $handle = "FILE"; } else { $handle = "STDIN"; } my $lines = <$handle>; # if the document has already been cloaked, uncloak it if ($lines =~ m/$comment/ || $0 =~ m/uncloak/) { # NOTE: We do [\?]+ intead of just \? because some tools (osx # and/or sgml2xml, for one) add an extra question mark in PIs # during processing (because SGML PI syntax is different than XML # PI syntax in that SGML PIs don't have the closing question mark $lines =~ s/<\?$comment [\?]+>//; # remove comment added by cloak $lines =~ s/<\?ENT_ (.*?)_ENT[\?]+>/$1/g; # uncloak all cloaked entities if ($lines =~ /<\?DOCTYPE(.*)_END_SUBSET[\?]+>/s) { $doctype = $1; $doctype =~ s/xxLESS_THANxx/</sg; $doctype =~ s/xxGREATER_THANxx/>/sg; $doctype =~ s/xxLEFT_SQUARE_BRACKETxx/[/sg; $doctype =~ s/xxRIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKETxx/]/sg; $lines =~ s/\?DOCTYPE(.*)_END_SUBSET[\?]+>/!DOCTYPE$doctype>\n/s; # uncloak DOCTYPE, subset } } else { # otherwise, cloak the document $lines = $lines . "\n<?" . $comment . " ?>\n"; $lines =~ s/(\w*&\w+;\w*)/<?ENT_ $1_ENT?>/g; # cloak all entities # uncloak entities in subset while ($lines =~ /(<!ENTITY[^']*?'[^']*?)<\?ENT_ (.+?)_ENT\?>(.*?'\s*>)/s) { $lines =~ s/(<!ENTITY[^']*?'[^']*?)<\?ENT_ (.+?)_ENT\?>(.*?'\s*>)/$1$2$3/s } while ($lines =~ /(<!ENTITY[^']*?'[^']*?)<\?ENT_ (.+?)_ENT\?>(.*?'\s*>)/s) { $lines =~ s/(<!ENTITY[^"]*?'[^"]*?)<\?ENT_ (.+?)_ENT\?>(.*?"\s*>)/$1$2$3/s } # test to see if there is an internal subset or not, then # cloak DOCTYPE declaration and internal subset (if there is one) if ($lines =~ /<!(DOCTYPE.*]\s*)>/s) { $doctype = $1; $doctype =~ s/\[/xxLEFT_SQUARE_BRACKETxx/sg; $doctype =~ s/\]/xxRIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKETxx/sg; $doctype =~ s/>/xxGREATER_THANxx/sg; $doctype =~ s/</xxLESS_THANxx/sg; $lines =~ s/<!DOCTYPE.*]\s*>/<\?$doctype\_END_SUBSET\?>/s } else { $lines =~ s/<!DOCTYPE([^>]*)>/<\?DOCTYPE$1_END_SUBSET\?>/s; } } print $lines; close $handle; __END__ =head1 DESCRIPTION Run this script on an XML or SGML document any time you're doing some kind of processing (e.g. an XML-to-XML transform) on the doc and want to preserve/hide the following so that the processing app won't drop, change, or choke on them. * entities and words containing entities * DOCTYPE declaration * internal DTD subset * CDATA sections Before processing, run it to "cloak" those things; after processing, run it to "uncloak" them (that is, restore your XML or SGML document back to "normal"). You might want to use this script before/after running: * an XSLT engine to do some kind of XML-to-XML transform of your source (i.e., instead of an HTML to FO transform) and don't want the entities resolved, don't want the DOCTYPE dropped, etc. * a spell checker, and don't want it to choke on any words containing character entities * tidy (or some other app) to pretty-print/indent the document This script reads from a file, if one is specified; otherwise it reads from STDIN. It writes to STDOUT. For convenience, you may want to create an alias or symlink to this script, named "uncloak". =head1 AUTHOR Michael Smith <smith@sideshowbarker.net> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2005 Michael Smith <smith@sideshowbarker.net> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut