2003-06-22 Norman Walsh * VERSION: Version 2.5.0 released. 2003-06-21 Norman Walsh * Makefile: Tweaked 2003-02-18 Norman Walsh * VERSION: Version 2.4.1 released. * catalog.xml: Added rewrite rules for the schema and xsl directories * catalog.xml: Added chunk-common to the catalog 2003-01-25 Norman Walsh * Makefile: Cleanup and support reorganized directories * README: Updated versions, copyright, and system identifiers * VERSION: Version 2.4.0 released. * catalog.xml: Fixed typos 2003-01-16 Norman Walsh * autolayout.dtd, catalog.xml, extensions.mod, forms.mod, layout.dtd, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd, website-full.dtd, website.mod: Moved files; this messes up the CVS tags, but I'm doing it anyway :-( * website-custom.dtd: Based on Simplified 1.0 2003-01-12 Robert Stayton * catalog.xml: New file. 2002-11-17 Norman Walsh * VERSION, autolayout.dtd, extensions.mod, forms.mod, layout.dtd, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd, website-full.dtd, website.mod: Bug #636004: fix version numbers 2002-10-16 Norman Walsh * website-custom.dtd: Fix typos in comments; correct spelling of qand_a_set PEs; add blockinfo for qandaset * website-full.dtd: Fix typos in comments 2002-10-02 Norman Walsh * autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd, website.mod: Add headlink element (HTML head 'link') 2002-09-17 Norman Walsh * VERSION: Version 2.3 released. 2002-09-15 Norman Walsh * website-full.dtd: Add index to webpage.mix 2002-09-12 Norman Walsh * extensions.mod, website-custom.dtd, website-full.dtd, website.mod: Added FPIs to modules 2002-09-11 Norman Walsh * extensions.mod: Add rss to local.para.class * website.mod: Add common attributes where missing; add rss element 2002-06-26 Norman Walsh * website-custom.dtd: Update website DTD to point to Simplified CR2 * website.mod: Remove attlist decls for role attributes; Simplified CR2 fixes this problem 2002-05-24 Norman Walsh * Makefile: Fix typo * README, autolayout.dtd, extensions.mod, forms.mod, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd, website-full.dtd, website.mod: Changed version numbers * VERSION: Version 2.2 released. * VERSION: Version 2.1 released * autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd: Updated comments * extensions.mod: Whitespace * website.mod: Added additional ATTLIST declarations for role attributes on table elements. 2002-05-23 Norman Walsh * autolayout.dtd: Make id attributes IDs so that duplicate IDs can be flagged by the parser * layout.dtd: Added revisionflag to tocentry 2002-01-07 Norman Walsh * README: Bumped version number * VERSION: Version 2.1b1 released. * autolayout.dtd, forms.mod, layout.dtd, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod: Bumped version number in comments * extensions.mod, website-custom.dtd, website-full.dtd, website.mod: Refactored to make a website-full.dtd possible; based on Simplified DocBook 1.0b2 2001-09-06 Norman Walsh * .cvsignore, Makefile, README, VERSION, autolayout.dtd, forms.mod, layout.dtd, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd, website.dtd: Merge V2-branch back onto the trunk; I'm abandoning V1-branch and V2-branch henceforth 2001-08-07 Norman Walsh * autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd: Bug fixes * layout.dtd: Allow the TOC to contain links to external websites, parameterize the currentpage marker (@) in the text-only rendering 2001-08-06 Norman Walsh * README, autolayout.dtd, forms.mod, layout.dtd, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd: Updated version number to 2.0b1 (beta 1) * VERSION: Version 2.0b1 released. * VERSION: Keep CVS versions distinct from real releases 2001-08-04 Norman Walsh * autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd: Allow ulink in copyright holder 2001-07-29 Norman Walsh * README: Expand sf.net to sourceforge.net; too many DNS hickups for sf.net * website-custom.dtd: Add base element to head; expand sf.net to sourceforge.net; too many DNS hickups for sf.net 2001-06-20 Norman Walsh * website-custom.dtd: Support http-equiv on meta 2001-06-17 Norman Walsh * forms.mod, namespaces.mod, rddl.mod, website-custom.dtd: Add support for RDDL * namespaces.mod: branches: 1.1.2; file namespaces.mod was initially added on branch V2-branch. * rddl.mod: branches: 1.1.2; file rddl.mod was initially added on branch V2-branch. 2001-06-14 Norman Walsh * Makefile: Added new targets for making distributions * Makefile: Tweaks for building new releases * Makefile: Fixed typo * VERSION: Version 2.0a2 released. * website-custom.dtd: Make ID on webpage required (since it is, um, required :-); add qandaset to webpages 2001-06-05 Norman Walsh * .cvsignore, Makefile, README, VERSION, autolayout.dtd, forms.mod, layout.dtd, website-custom.dtd: Documentation tweaks in preparation for the 2.0a1 release * VERSION: Version 2.0a1 released 2001-06-04 Norman Walsh * Makefile: Add dependency for the forms module * autolayout.dtd: Added tocskip attribute and titleabbrev element * layout.dtd: Added tocskip attribute * website-custom.dtd: Added XML notation 2001-05-23 Norman Walsh * forms.mod: New file. * website-custom.dtd: Removed glossary 2001-05-21 Norman Walsh * .cvsignore: branches: 1.1.2; file .cvsignore was initially added on branch V2-branch. * .cvsignore, Makefile: Make website.dtd from website-custom.dtd * Makefile: Cleanup * website-custom.dtd: New file. * website-custom.dtd: branches: 1.1.2; file website-custom.dtd was initially added on branch V2-branch. * website.dtd: Renamed to website-custom.dtd 2001-04-15 Norman Walsh * Makefile: branches: 1.1.2; file Makefile was initially added on branch V2-branch. * Makefile, README, VERSION, autolayout.dtd, layout.dtd, website.dtd: New file. * README, VERSION, forms.mod, website.dtd: branches: 1.1.4; Initial checkin of V1.10 sources * autolayout.dtd: branches: 1.1.2; file autolayout.dtd was initially added on branch V2-branch. * layout.dtd: branches: 1.1.2; file layout.dtd was initially added on branch V2-branch.