;; $Id: dbinline.dsl,v 1.7 2003/03/25 19:53:56 adicarlo Exp $ ;; ;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution. ;; See ../README or http://docbook.sourceforge.net/projects/dsssl/ ;; ;; ============================== INLINES =============================== (element abbrev ($charseq$)) (element accel ($score-seq$ 'after)) (element acronym ($charseq$)) (element action ($charseq$)) (element application ($charseq$)) (element classname ($mono-seq$)) (element constant ($mono-seq$)) (element command ($bold-seq$)) (element computeroutput ($mono-seq$)) (element database ($charseq$)) (element email (make sequence (literal "<") ($mono-seq$) (literal ">"))) (element envar ($charseq$)) (element errorcode ($charseq$)) (element errorname ($charseq$)) (element errortype ($charseq$)) (element filename ($mono-seq$)) (element function ($mono-seq$)) (element guibutton ($guilabel-seq$)) (element guiicon ($guilabel-seq$)) (element guilabel ($guilabel-seq$)) (element guimenu ($guilabel-seq$)) (element guimenuitem ($guilabel-seq$)) (element guisubmenu ($guilabel-seq$)) (element hardware ($charseq$)) (element interface ($charseq$)) (element interfacedefinition ($charseq$)) (element keycap ($bold-seq$)) (element keycode ($charseq$)) (element keycombo (let* ((action (attribute-string (normalize "action"))) (joinchar (cond ((equal? action (normalize "seq")) " ") ;; space ((equal? action (normalize "simul")) "+") ;; + ((equal? action (normalize "press")) "-") ;; ? I don't know ((equal? action (normalize "click")) "-") ;; ? what to do ((equal? action (normalize "double-click")) "-") ;; ? about the rest ((equal? action (normalize "other")) "-") ;; ? of these (else "-")))) (let loop ((nl (children (current-node))) (count 1)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-sosofo) (if (equal? count 1) (make sequence (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (+ count 1))) (make sequence (literal joinchar) (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (+ count 1)))))))) (element keysym ($charseq$)) (element literal ($mono-seq$)) (element medialabel ($italic-seq$)) (element menuchoice (let* ((shortcut (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "shortcut"))) (items (node-list-filter-by-not-gi (children (current-node)) (list (normalize "shortcut"))))) (make sequence (let loop ((nl items) (first? #t)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-sosofo) (make sequence (if first? 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(gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "guisubmenu"))) (literal "\rightwards-arrow;") (literal "+")) (process-node-list (node-list-first nl)))) (loop (node-list-rest nl) #f)))) (if (node-list-empty? shortcut) (empty-sosofo) (make sequence (literal " (") (process-node-list shortcut) (literal ")")))))) (element methodname ($mono-seq$)) (element shortcut ($bold-seq$)) (element mousebutton ($charseq$)) (element option ($mono-seq$)) (element optional (make sequence (literal %arg-choice-opt-open-str%) ($charseq$) (literal %arg-choice-opt-close-str%))) (element parameter ($italic-mono-seq$)) (element property ($charseq$)) (element prompt ($mono-seq$)) (element replaceable ($italic-mono-seq$)) (element returnvalue ($charseq$)) (element structfield ($italic-mono-seq$)) (element structname ($charseq$)) (element symbol ($charseq$)) (element systemitem ($charseq$)) (element token ($charseq$)) (element type ($charseq$)) (element userinput ($bold-mono-seq$)) (element varname ($mono-seq$)) (element citation (if biblio-citation-check (let* ((bgraphies (select-elements (descendants (sgml-root-element)) (normalize "bibliography"))) (bchildren1 (expand-children bgraphies (list (normalize "bibliography")))) (bchildren2 (expand-children bchildren1 (list (normalize "bibliodiv")))) (bibentries (node-list-filter-by-gi bchildren2 (list (normalize "biblioentry") (normalize "bibliomixed"))))) (let loop ((bibs bibentries)) (if (node-list-empty? bibs) (make sequence (error (string-append "Cannot find citation: " (data (current-node)))) (literal "[") ($charseq$) (literal "]")) (if (citation-matches-target? (current-node) (node-list-first bibs)) (make link destination: (node-list-address (node-list-first bibs)) (literal "[") ($charseq$) (literal "]")) (loop (node-list-rest bibs)))))) (make sequence (literal "[") ($charseq$) (literal "]")))) (element citerefentry (if %refentry-xref-italic% ($italic-seq$) ($charseq$))) (element citetitle (if (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "pubwork")) "article") (make sequence (literal (gentext-start-quote)) (process-children) (literal (gentext-end-quote))) ($italic-seq$))) (element emphasis (if (and (attribute-string (normalize "role")) (or (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role")) "strong") (equal? (attribute-string (normalize "role")) "bold"))) ($bold-seq$) ($italic-seq$))) (element foreignphrase ($italic-seq$)) (element markup ($charseq$)) (element phrase ($charseq$)) (element quote (let* ((hnr (hierarchical-number-recursive (normalize "quote") (current-node))) (depth (length hnr))) (if (equal? 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