;; $Id: dblib.dsl,v 1.8 2004/10/24 01:09:35 petere78 Exp $ ;; ;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution. ;; See ../README or http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ ;; ;; This file contains a general library of DSSSL functions. ;; ;; If **ANY** change is made to this file, you _MUST_ alter the ;; following definition: ;; REFERENCE Library Version (define %library-version% ;; REFENTRY version ;; PURP Defines the library version string ;; DESC ;; Defines the library version string. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY "Modular DocBook Stylesheet Library") ;; === Book intro, for dsl2man ========================================== DSSSL Library ;; Part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution ;; NormanWalsh ;; ;; $Revision: 1.8 $ ;; 199719981999 ;; Norman Walsh ;; ;; ;; This software may be distributed under the same terms as Jade: ;; ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;; files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without ;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or ;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;; conditions: ;; ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be ;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; ;; Except as contained in this notice, the names of individuals ;; credited with contribution to this software shall not be used in ;; advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other ;; dealings in this Software without prior written authorization ;; from the individuals in question. ;; ;; ;; Any stylesheet derived from this Software that is publically ;; distributed will be identified with a different name and the ;; version strings in any derived Software will be changed so that ;; no possibility of confusion between the derived package and this ;; Software will exist. ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORMAN WALSH OR ANY OTHER ;; CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; ;; ;; ;; Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for changes ;; to Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>. ;; ;; ;; See http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ for more information. ;; ;; /DOCINFO ]]> ;; === Some additional units ============================================ (define-unit pi (/ 1in 6)) ;pica (define-unit pc (/ 1in 6)) ;pica, another name (define-unit pt (/ 1in 72)) ;point (define-unit px (/ 1in 96)) ;pixel ;; REFERENCE ISO/IEC 10179 (define (node-list-reduce nl proc init) ;; REFENTRY node-list-reduce ;; PURP Implements node-list-reduce as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; DESC ;; Implements 'node-list-reduce' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /REFENTRY (if (node-list-empty? nl) init (node-list-reduce (node-list-rest nl) proc (proc init (node-list-first nl))))) (define (node-list-last nl) ;; REFENTRY node-list-last ;; PURP Implements node-list-last as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; DESC ;; Implements 'node-list-last' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /REFENTRY (node-list-ref nl (- (node-list-length nl) 1))) (define (node-list-first-element nodelist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-first-element ;; PURP Return the first element node in a node list ;; DESC ;; This function returns the first node in a node list which is ;; an element (as opposed to a PI or anything else that might appear ;; in a node list). ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) (empty-node-list) (if (gi (node-list-first nl)) (node-list-first nl) (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))) (define (node-list-last-element nodelist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-last-element ;; PURP Return the last element node in a node list ;; DESC ;; This function returns the last node in a node list which is ;; an element (as opposed to a PI or anything else that might appear ;; in a node list). ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((el (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) el (if (gi (node-list-first nl)) (loop (node-list-first nl) (node-list-rest nl)) (loop el (node-list-rest nl)))))) (define (ipreced nl) ;; REFENTRY ipreced ;; PURP Implements ipreced as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; DESC ;; Implements 'ipreced' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /REFENTRY (node-list-map (lambda (snl) (let loop ((prev (empty-node-list)) (rest (siblings snl))) (cond ((node-list-empty? rest) (empty-node-list)) ((node-list=? (node-list-first rest) snl) prev) (else (loop (node-list-first rest) (node-list-rest rest)))))) nl)) (define (ifollow nl) ;; REFENTRY ifollow ;; PURP Implements ifollow as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; DESC ;; Implements 'ifollow' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /REFENTRY (node-list-map (lambda (snl) (let loop ((rest (siblings snl))) (cond ((node-list-empty? rest) (empty-node-list)) ((node-list=? (node-list-first rest) snl) (node-list-first (node-list-rest rest))) (else (loop (node-list-rest rest)))))) nl)) (define (siblings snl) ;; REFENTRY siblings ;; PURP Implements siblings as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; DESC ;; Implements 'siblings' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; /REFENTRY (children (parent snl))) (define (string->list str) ;; REFENTRY string-2-list ;; PURP Converts a string into a list of characters. ;; DESC ;; Implements 'string->list' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; (clause ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Megginson ;; EMAIL dmeggins@uottawa.ca ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((chars '()) (k (- (string-length str) 1))) (if (< k 0) chars (loop (cons (string-ref str k) chars) (- k 1))))) (define (list->string chars) ;; REFENTRY list-2-string ;; PURP Converts a list of characters into a string ;; DESC ;; Implements 'list->string' as per ISO/IEC 10179:1996 ;; (clause ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Megginson ;; EMAIL dmeggins@uottawa.ca ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((cl chars) (str "")) (if (null? cl) str (loop (cdr cl) (string-append str (string (car cl))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (map f #!rest xs) ;; REFENTRY map ;; PURP Implements map ;; DESC ;; Implements map ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR From Mulberry Tech. site (need better attribution) ;; /REFENTRY (let ((map1 (lambda (f xs) ; bootstrap version for unary F (let loop ((xs xs)) (if (null? xs) '() (cons (f (car xs)) (loop (cdr xs)))))))) (cond ((null? xs) '()) ((null? (cdr xs)) (map1 f (car xs))) (else (let loop ((xs xs)) (if (null? (car xs)) '() (cons (apply f (map1 car xs)) (loop (map1 cdr xs))))))))) (define (absolute-child-number #!optional (nd (current-node))) ;; REFENTRY absolute-child-number ;; PURP Returns the absolute child number of the specified node ;; DESC ;; Returns the child number, regardless of gi, of 'snl' within its ;; parent. ;; ;; Isn't there a better way to get this? ;; ARGS ;; ARG snl ;; The node (singleton node list) whose child number is desired. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (+ (node-list-length (preced nd)) 1)) ;; REFERENCE Debug (define (my-debug x #!optional return-value) ;; REFENTRY my-debug ;; PURP A debugging function more helpful than (debug) ;; DESC ;; A version of debug that tries to print information more helpful ;; than "unknown object ...". Will need extending for any further ;; types added to Jade which don't have useful print methods. ;; (Should yield more information extracted from each type.) ;; ARGS ;; ARG x ;; The object about which debugging information is desired. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR Tony Graham ;; /REFENTRY (let ((msg (debug (cond ((node-list? x) (if (node-list-empty? x) (list 'empty-node-list x) (list (if (named-node-list? x) 'named-node-list 'node-list) (node-list-length x) x))) ((sosofo? x) (list 'sosofo x)) ((procedure? x) (list 'procedure x)) ((style? x) (list 'style x)) ((address? x) (list 'address x)) ((color? x) (list 'color x)) ((color-space? x) (list 'color-space x)) ((display-space? x) (list 'display-space x)) ((inline-space? x) (list 'inline-space x)) ((glyph-id? x) (list 'glyph-id x)) ((glyph-subst-table? x) (list 'glyph-subst-table x)) (else x))))) return-value)) ;; REFERENCE Miscellaneous (define (string-with-space string #!optional (space " ")) ;; REFENTRY string-with-space ;; PURP Returns string with a space appended or the empty string ;; DESC ;; If 'string' is not the empty string, returns 'string' with a ;; 'space' appended. If 'string' is empty, or is not a '(string?)', ;; returns 'string' unmodified. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'string' ;; The string onto which a space should be appended. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'space' o ;; If specified, the space to append. Defaults to a single space. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? string) (if (equal? string "") string (string-append string space)) string)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (split str #!optional (whitespace '(#\space))) ;; REFENTRY split ;; PURP Splits string at whitespace and returns the resulting list of tokens ;; DESC ;; Given a string containing delimited tokens, return a list ;; of the tokens in string form. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'str' ;; The string to split. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'whitespace' o ;; A list of characters that should ;; be treated as whitespace. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Megginson ;; EMAIL dmeggins@uottawa.ca ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((characters (string->list str)) ; Top-level recursive loop. (current-word '()) (tokens '())) ; If there are no characters left, ; then we're done! (cond ((null? characters) ; Is there a token in progress? (if (null? current-word) (reverse tokens) (reverse (cons (list->string (reverse current-word)) tokens)))) ; If there are characters left, ; then keep going. (#t (let ((c (car characters)) (rest (cdr characters))) ; Are we reading a space? (cond ((member c whitespace) (if (null? current-word) (loop rest '() tokens) (loop rest '() (cons (list->string (reverse current-word)) tokens)))) ; We are reading a non-space (#t (loop rest (cons c current-word) tokens)))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (strip str #!optional (stripchars '(#\space #\&#RE #\U-0009))) ;; REFENTRY strip ;; PURP Strip leading and trailing characters off of a string ;; DESC ;; Strips leading and trailing characters in the 'stripchars' list ;; off of a string and returns the stripped string. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'str' ;; The string to strip ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'stripchars' o ;; A list of characters that should ;; be stripped. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((startpos (let loop ((count 0)) (if (>= count (string-length str)) (string-length str) (if (member (string-ref str count) stripchars) (loop (+ count 1)) count)))) (tailstr (substring str startpos (string-length str))) (endpos (let loop ((count (- (string-length tailstr) 1))) (if (< count 1) 0 (if (member (string-ref tailstr count) stripchars) (loop (- count 1)) count))))) (if (or (< endpos 0) (string=? tailstr "")) "" (substring tailstr 0 (+ endpos 1))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (join slist #!optional (space " ")) ;; REFENTRY join ;; PURP Joins a list of strings together ;; DESC ;; Given a list of strings and a space string, returns the string ;; that results from joining all the strings in the list together, ;; separated by space. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'slist' ;; The list of strings. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'space' o ;; The string to place between each member of the list. Defaults to ;; a single space. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Carlisle ;; /REFENTRY (letrec ((loop (lambda (l result) (if (null? l) result (loop (cdr l) (cons space (cons (car l) result))))))) (if (null? slist) "" (apply string-append (cons (car slist) (loop (reverse (cdr slist)) '() )))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (pad-string string length padchar) ;; REFENTRY pad-string ;; PURP Pads a string, in front, to the specified length ;; DESC ;; Returns 'string', padded in front with 'padchar' to at least 'length' ;; Returns 'string' unmodified if 'string' is not a '(string?)', ;; 'padchar' is not a '(string?)', 'padchar' is the empty string, or if ;; 'string' is already greater than or equal to 'length' in length. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'string' ;; The string to pad. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'length' ;; The desired length. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'padchar' ;; The character (string, actually) to use as padding. If 'padchar' is ;; longer than 1 character, the resulting string may be longer than ;; 'length' when returned. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (and (string? string) (string? padchar) (> (string-length padchar) 0)) (let loop ((s string) (count (- length (string-length string)))) (if (<= count 0) s (loop (string-append padchar s) (- count (string-length padchar))))) string)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (match-split string target) ;; REFENTRY match-split ;; PURP Splits string at target and returns the resulting list of tokens ;; DESC ;; Splits string at every occurance of target and returns the result ;; as a list. Note that 'match-split' returns the occurances of 'target' ;; in the list of tokens. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'string' ;; The string to split. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'target' ;; The string which is a delimiter between tokens ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '"this is a test"' split at '"is"' returns ;; '("th" "is" " " "is" " a test")' ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? string) (let loop ((result '()) (current "") (rest string)) (if (< (string-length rest) (string-length target)) (append result (if (equal? (string-append current rest) "") '() (list (string-append current rest)))) (if (equal? target (substring rest 0 (string-length target))) (loop (append result (if (equal? current "") '() (list current)) (list target)) "" (substring rest (string-length target) (string-length rest))) (loop result (string-append current (substring rest 0 1)) (substring rest 1 (string-length rest)))))) (list string))) (define (match-split-string-list string-list target) ;; REFENTRY match-split-string-list ;; PURP Splits each string in a list of strings and returns the concatenated result list ;; DESC ;; Splits each string in 'string-list' at 'target' with '(match-split)', ;; concatenates the results, and returns a single list of tokens. ;; ARGS ;; ARG string-list ;; The list of strings to split. ;; /ARG ;; ARG target ;; The string which is a delimiter between tokens. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result '()) (sl string-list)) (if (null? sl) result (loop (append result (match-split (car sl) target)) (cdr sl))))) (define (match-split-list string target-list) ;; REFENTRY match-split-list ;; PURP Splits a string at a list of targets and returns the resulting list of tokens ;; DESC ;; Splits 'string' at every target in 'target-list' with '(match-split)', ;; returning the whole collection of tokens as a list. ;; ARGS ;; ARG string ;; The string to split. ;; /ARG ;; ARG target-list ;; A list of target strings which are the delimters between tokens. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result (list string)) (tlist target-list)) (if (null? tlist) result (loop (match-split-string-list result (car tlist)) (cdr tlist))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (assoc-objs alist) ;; REFENTRY assoc-objs ;; PURP Returns a list of the objects in an associative list ;; DESC ;; Returns a list of the objects in an associative list. ;; ARGS ;; ARG alist ;; The associative list. An associative list is a list of lists ;; where each interior list is a pair of elements. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(assoc-objs (("a" "b") ("c" "d")))' returns '("a" "c")' ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result '()) (al alist)) (if (null? al) result (loop (append result (list (car (car al)))) (cdr al))))) (define (assoc obj alist) ;; REFENTRY assoc ;; PURP Returns the association of an object in an associative list ;; DESC ;; Given an associative list, returns the pair that has 'obj' as a 'car' ;; or '#f' if no such pair exists. ;; ARGS ;; ARG obj ;; The associative key to locate. ;; /ARG ;; ARG alist ;; The associative list. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(assoc "a" (("a" "b") ("c" "d")))' returns '("a" "b")' ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((al alist)) (if (null? al) #f (if (equal? obj (car (car al))) (car al) (loop (cdr al)))))) (define (match-substitute-sosofo string assoc-list) ;; REFENTRY match-substitute-sosofo ;; PURP Return matching sosofo from associative list ;; DESC ;; Given a string and an associative list of strings and sosofos, ;; return the sosofo of the matching string, or return the literal ;; string as a sosofo. ;; ;; (This function is used for a particular task in the DocBook stylesheets. ;; It may not be particularly general, but it's in 'dblib.dsl' because ;; there is nothing DTD-specific about it.) ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (assoc string assoc-list) (car (cdr (assoc string assoc-list))) (literal string))) (define (string-list-sosofo string-list assoc-list) ;; REFENTRY string-list-sosofo ;; PURP Build sosofo from a list of strings and an associative list ;; DESC ;; Take a list of strings and an associative list that maps strings ;; to sosofos and return an appended sosofo. ;; ;; (This function is used for a particular task in the DocBook stylesheets. ;; It may not be particularly general, but it's in 'dblib.dsl' because ;; there is nothing DTD-specific about it.) ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; Given the string list '("what is " "1" " " "+" " " "1")' ;; and the associative list ;; '(("1" (literal "one")) ("2" (literal "two")) ("+" (literal "plus")))', ;; '(string-list-sosofo)' returns the sequence of sosofos ;; equivalent to '(literal "what is one plus one")'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (if (null? string-list) (empty-sosofo) (sosofo-append (match-substitute-sosofo (car string-list) assoc-list) (string-list-sosofo (cdr string-list) assoc-list)))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (repl-substring? string target pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring-p ;; PURP Returns true if the specified substring can be replaced ;; DESC ;; Returns '#t' if 'target' occurs at 'pos' in 'string'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((could-match (<= (+ pos (string-length target)) (string-length string))) (match (if could-match (substring string pos (+ pos (string-length target))) ""))) (and could-match (string=? match target)))) (define (repl-substring string target repl pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring ;; PURP Replace substring in a string ;; DESC ;; Replaces 'target' with 'repl' in 'string' at 'pos'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((matches (repl-substring? string target pos))) (if matches (string-append (substring string 0 pos) repl (substring string (+ pos (string-length target)) (string-length string))) string))) (define (repl-substring-list? string replace-list pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring-list-p ;; PURP Perform repl-substring? with a list of target/replacement pairs ;; DESC ;; Returns '#t' if any target in 'replace-list' occurs at 'pos' in 'string'. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'string' ;; The string in which replacement should be tested. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'replace-list' ;; A list of target/replacement pairs. This list is just a list of ;; strings, treated as pairs. For example, '("was" "x" "is" "y")'. ;; In this example, 'was' may be replaced by 'x' and 'is' may be ;; replaced by 'y'. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'pos' ;; The location within 'string' where the test will occur. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(repl-substring-list? "this is it" ("was" "x" "is" "y") 2)' ;; returns '#t': "is" could be replaced by "y". ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((list replace-list)) (let ((target (car list)) (repl (car (cdr list))) (rest (cdr (cdr list)))) (if (repl-substring? string target pos) #t (if (null? rest) #f (loop rest)))))) (define (repl-substring-list-target string replace-list pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring-list-target ;; PURP Return the target that matches in a string ;; DESC ;; Returns the target in 'replace-list' that matches in 'string' at 'pos' ;; See also 'repl-substring-list?'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((list replace-list)) (let ((target (car list)) (repl (car (cdr list))) (rest (cdr (cdr list)))) (if (repl-substring? string target pos) target (if (null? rest) #f (loop rest)))))) (define (repl-substring-list-repl string replace-list pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring-list-repl ;; PURP Return the replacement that would be used in the string ;; DESC ;; Returns the replacement in 'replace-list' that would be used for the ;; target that matches in 'string' at 'pos' ;; See also 'repl-substring-list?'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((list replace-list)) (let ((target (car list)) (repl (car (cdr list))) (rest (cdr (cdr list)))) (if (repl-substring? string target pos) repl (if (null? rest) #f (loop rest)))))) (define (repl-substring-list string replace-list pos) ;; REFENTRY repl-substring-list ;; PURP Replace the first target in the replacement list that matches ;; DESC ;; Replaces the first target in 'replace-list' that matches in 'string' ;; at 'pos' with its replacement. ;; See also 'repl-substring-list?'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (repl-substring-list? string replace-list pos) (let ((target (repl-substring-list-target string replace-list pos)) (repl (repl-substring-list-repl string replace-list pos))) (repl-substring string target repl pos)) string)) (define (string-replace string target repl) ;; REFENTRY string-replace ;; PURP Replace all occurances of a target substring in a string ;; DESC ;; Replaces all occurances of 'target' in 'string' with 'repl'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((str string) (pos 0)) (if (>= pos (string-length str)) str (loop (repl-substring str target repl pos) (if (repl-substring? str target pos) (+ (string-length repl) pos) (+ 1 pos)))))) (define (string-replace-list string replace-list) ;; REFENTRY string-replace-list ;; PURP Replace a list of target substrings in a string ;; DESC ;; Replaces, in 'string', all occurances of each target in ;; 'replace-list' with its replacement. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((str string) (pos 0)) (if (>= pos (string-length str)) str (loop (repl-substring-list str replace-list pos) (if (repl-substring-list? str replace-list pos) (+ (string-length (repl-substring-list-repl str replace-list pos)) pos) (+ 1 pos)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (ancestor-member nd gilist) ;; REFENTRY ancestor-member ;; PURP Returns the first ancestor in a list of GIs ;; DESC ;; Returns the first ancestor of 'nd' whose GI is a member of 'gilist'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (node-list-empty? nd) (empty-node-list) (if (member (gi nd) gilist) nd (ancestor-member (parent nd) gilist)))) (define (has-ancestor-member? nd gilist) ;; REFENTRY has-ancestor-member-p ;; PURP Returns true if the specified node has one of a set of GIs as an ancestor ;; DESC ;; Returns '#t' if 'nd' has an ancestor whose GI is a member of 'gilist'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (not (node-list-empty? (ancestor-member nd gilist)))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (descendant-of? ancestor child) ;; REFENTRY descendant-of-p ;; PURP Returns true if the child is some descendant of the specified node ;; DESC ;; Returns '#t' if 'child' is a descendant of 'ancestor'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((c child)) (if (node-list-empty? c) #f (if (node-list=? ancestor c) #t (loop (parent c)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (expand-children nodelist gilist) ;; REFENTRY expand-children ;; PURP Expand selected nodes in a node list ;; DESC ;; Given a node-list, 'expand-children' replaces all of the members ;; of the node-list whose GIs are members of 'gilist' with ;; '(children)'. ;; ;; This function can be used to selectively ;; flatten the hierarchy of a document. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; Suppose that the node list is '(BOOKINFO PREFACE PART APPENDIX)'. ;; '(expand-children nl ("PART"))' might return ;; '(BOOKINFO PREFACE CHAPTER CHAPTER APPENDIX)'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((nl nodelist) (result (empty-node-list))) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list result (children (node-list-first nl)))) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list result (node-list-first nl))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (directory-depth pathname) ;; REFENTRY directory-depth ;; PURP Count the directory depth of a path name ;; DESC ;; Returns the number of directory levels in 'pathname' ;; ;; The pathname must end in a filename. ;; Further, this function assumes that directories in a pathname are ;; separated by forward slashes ("/"). ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; "filename" => 0, ;; "foo/filename" => 1, ;; "foo/bar/filename => 2, ;; "foo/bar/../filename => 1. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((count 0) (pathlist (match-split pathname "/"))) (if (null? pathlist) (- count 1) ;; pathname should always end in a filename (if (or (equal? (car pathlist) "/") (equal? (car pathlist) ".")) (loop count (cdr pathlist)) (if (equal? (car pathlist) "..") (loop (- count 1) (cdr pathlist)) (loop (+ count 1) (cdr pathlist))))))) (define (file-extension filespec) ;; REFENTRY file-extension ;; PURP Return the extension of a filename ;; DESC ;; Returns the extension of a filename. The extension is the last ;; "."-delimited part of the name. Returns "" if there is no period ;; in the filename. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? filespec) (let* ((pathparts (match-split filespec "/")) (filename (list-ref pathparts (- (length pathparts) 1))) (fileparts (match-split filename ".")) (extension (list-ref fileparts (- (length fileparts) 1)))) (if (> (length fileparts) 1) extension "")) "")) ;; ====================================================================== (define (copy-string string num) ;; REFENTRY copy-string ;; PURP Return a string duplicated a specified number of times ;; DESC ;; Copies 'string' 'num' times and returns the result. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; (copy-string "x" 3) returns "xxx" ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (if (<= num 0) "" (let loop ((str string) (count (- num 1))) (if (<= count 0) str (loop (string-append str string) (- count 1)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-filter-by-gi ;; PURP Returns selected elements from a node list ;; DESC ;; Returns a node list containing all the nodes from 'nodelist' whose ;; GIs are members of 'gilist'. The order of nodes in the node list ;; is preserved. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist) (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) (node-list-rest nl)) (loop result (node-list-rest nl)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (node-list-filter-by-not-gi nodelist gilist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-filter-by-not-gi ;; PURP Returns selected elements from a node list ;; DESC ;; Returns a node list containing all the nodes from 'nodelist' whose ;; GIs are NOT members of 'gilist'. The order of nodes in the node list ;; is preserved. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist) (loop result (node-list-rest nl)) (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) (node-list-rest nl)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (node-list-filter-out-pis nodelist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-filter-out-pis ;; PURP Returns the nodelist with all PIs removed ;; DESC ;; Returns a node list containing all the nodes from 'nodelist' that ;; are not PIs. The order of nodes in the node list is preserved. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (equal? (node-property 'class-name (node-list-first nl)) 'pi) (loop result (node-list-rest nl)) (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) (node-list-rest nl)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (node-list-filter-elements nodelist) ;; REFENTRY node-list-filter-elements ;; PURP Returns the elements in 'nodelist' ;; DESC ;; Returns the elements in 'nodelist' ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (equal? (node-property 'class-name (node-list-first nl)) 'element) (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) (node-list-rest nl)) (loop result (node-list-rest nl)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (component-descendant-node-list inputnd complist) ;; REFENTRY component-descendant-node-list ;; PURP Find all 'inputnd's within an ancestor element ;; DESC ;; Finds the first ancestor of 'inputnd' in 'complist' and then returns ;; a node list of all the 'inputnd's within (that are descendants of) ;; that ancestor. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((nd (ancestor-member inputnd complist))) (select-elements (descendants nd) (gi inputnd)))) (define (component-child-number inputnd complist) ;; REFENTRY component-child-number ;; PURP Find child-number within a component ;; DESC ;; Finds the first ancestor of 'inputnd' in 'complist' and then counts ;; all the elements of type 'inputnd' from that point on and returns ;; the number of 'inputnd'. (This is like a 'recursive-child-number' ;; starting at the first parent of 'inputnd' in 'complist'.) ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((nl (component-descendant-node-list inputnd complist)) (num 1)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) 0 (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) inputnd) num (if (string=? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (gi inputnd)) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (+ num 1)) (loop (node-list-rest nl) num)))))) (define (component-list-descendant-node-list inputnd inputlist complist) ;; REFENTRY component-descendant-list-node-list ;; PURP Find all elements of a list of elements in a component ;; DESC ;; Finds the first ancestor of 'inputnd' in 'complist' and ;; then returns a list of all the elements in 'inputlist' ;; within that component. ;; ;; WARNING: this requires walking over *all* the descendants ;; of the ancestor node. This may be *slow*. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((nd (ancestor-member inputnd complist))) (let loop ((nl (descendants nd)) (result (empty-node-list))) (if (node-list-empty? nl) result (if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) inputlist) (loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list result (node-list-first nl))) (loop (node-list-rest nl) result)))))) (define (component-list-child-number inputnd inputlist complist) ;; REFENTRY component-list-child-number ;; PURP Find child-number of a list of children within a component ;; DESC ;; Finds the first ancestor of 'inputnd' in 'complist' and ;; then counts all the elements of the types in 'inputlist' ;; from that point on and returns the number of 'inputnd'. ;; ;; If the node is not found, 0 is returned. ;; ;; WARNING: this requires walking over *all* the descendants ;; of the ancestor node. This may be *slow*. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((nl (component-list-descendant-node-list inputnd inputlist complist)) (num 1)) (if (node-list-empty? nl) 0 (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) inputnd) num (loop (node-list-rest nl) (+ num 1)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (expt b n) ;; REFENTRY expt ;; PURP Exponentiation ;; DESC ;; Returns 'b' raised to the 'n'th power for integer 'n' >= 0. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY ;; (if (<= n 0) 1 (* b (expt b (- n 1))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (list-member-find element elementlist) ;; REFENTRY list-member-find ;; PURP Returns the index of an element in a list ;; DESC ;; Returns the index of 'element' in the list 'elementlist'. The ;; first element in a list has index 0. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((elemlist elementlist) (count 0)) (if (null? elemlist) -1 (if (equal? element (car elemlist)) count (loop (cdr elemlist) (+ count 1)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define default-uppercase-list ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP The default list of uppercase characters ;; DESC ;; The default list of uppercase characters. The order and sequence ;; of characters ;; in this list must match the order and sequence in ;; 'default-lowercase-list'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z)) (define default-lowercase-list ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP The default list of lowercase characters ;; DESC ;; The default list of lowercase characters. The order and sequence ;; of characters ;; in this list must match the order and sequence in ;; 'default-uppercase-list'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z)) (define (case-fold-down-char ch #!optional (uc-list default-uppercase-list) (lc-list default-lowercase-list)) ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP Return the lowercase form of a single character ;; DESC ;; Returns the lowercase form of 'ch' if 'ch' is a member of ;; the uppercase list, otherwise return 'ch'. ;; ;; The implied mapping from uppercase to lowercase in the two lists is ;; one-to-one. The first element of the uppercase list is the uppercase ;; form of the first element of the lowercase list, and vice versa. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'ch' ;; The character to fold down. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'uc-list' o ;; The list of uppercase letters. The default is the list of English ;; uppercase letters. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'lc-list' o ;; The list of lowercase letters. The default is the list of English ;; lowercase letters. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((idx (list-member-find ch uc-list))) (if (>= idx 0) (list-ref lc-list idx) ch))) (define (case-fold-up-char ch #!optional (uc-list default-uppercase-list) (lc-list default-lowercase-list)) ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP Return the uppercase form of a single character ;; DESC ;; Returns the uppercase form of 'ch' if 'ch' is a member of ;; 'lowercase-list', otherwise return 'ch'. ;; ;; The implied mapping from uppercase to lowercase in the two lists is ;; one-to-one. The first element of the uppercase list is the uppercase ;; form of the first element of the lowercase list, and vice versa. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'ch' ;; The character to fold down. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'uc-list' o ;; The list of uppercase letters. The default is the list of English ;; uppercase letters. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'lc-list' o ;; The list of lowercase letters. The default is the list of English ;; lowercase letters. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((idx (list-member-find ch lc-list))) (if (>= idx 0) (list-ref uc-list idx) ch))) (define (case-fold-down-charlist charlist) ;; REFENTRY case-fold-down-charlist ;; PURP Return the list of characters, shifted to lowercase ;; DESC ;; Shifts all of the characters in 'charlist' to lowercase with ;; 'case-fold-down-char'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (null? charlist) '() (cons (case-fold-down-char (car charlist)) (case-fold-down-charlist (cdr charlist))))) (define (case-fold-up-charlist charlist) ;; REFENTRY case-fold-up-charlist ;; PURP Return the list of characters, shifted to uppercase ;; DESC ;; Shifts all of the characters in 'charlist' to uppercase with ;; 'case-fold-up-char'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (null? charlist) '() (cons (case-fold-up-char (car charlist)) (case-fold-up-charlist (cdr charlist))))) (define (case-fold-down str) ;; REFENTRY case-fold-down ;; PURP Shift a string to lowercase ;; DESC ;; Returns 'str' in lowercase. ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? str) (apply string (case-fold-down-charlist (string->list str))) str)) (define (case-fold-up str) ;; REFENTRY case-fold-up ;; PURP Shift a string to uppercase ;; DESC ;; Returns 'str' in uppercase. ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? str) (apply string (case-fold-up-charlist (string->list str))) str)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (find-first-char string skipchars findchars #!optional (pos 0)) ;; REFENTRY find-first-char ;; PURP Find the first occurance of a character in a string ;; DESC ;; Finds first character in 'string' that is in 'findchars', skipping all ;; occurances of characters in 'skipchars'. Search begins at 'pos'. If ;; no such characters are found, returns -1. ;; ;; If skipchars is empty, skip anything not in findchars ;; If skipchars is #f, skip nothing ;; If findchars is empty, the first character not in skipchars is matched ;; It is an error if findchars is not a string. ;; It is an error if findchars is empty and skipchars is not a non-empty ;; string. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((skiplist (if (string? skipchars) (string->list skipchars) '())) (findlist (string->list findchars))) (if (and (null? skiplist) (null? findlist)) ;; this is an error -2 (if (or (>= pos (string-length string)) (< pos 0)) -1 (let ((ch (string-ref string pos))) (if (null? skiplist) ;; try to find first (if (member ch findlist) pos (if (string? skipchars) (find-first-char string skipchars findchars (+ 1 pos)) -1)) ;; try to skip first (if (member ch skiplist) (find-first-char string skipchars findchars (+ 1 pos)) (if (or (member ch findlist) (null? findlist)) pos -1)))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (parse-measurement measure) ;; REFENTRY parse-measurement ;; PURP Parse a string containing a measurement and return the magnitude and units ;; DESC ;; Parse a string containing a measurement, e.g., '"3pi"' or '"2.5in"', ;; and return the magnitude and units: '(3 "pi")' or '(2.5 "in")'. ;; ;; Either element of the list may be '#f' if the string cannot reasonably ;; be parsed as a measurement. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((magstart (find-first-char measure " " "0123456789.")) (unitstart (find-first-char measure " 0123456789." "")) (unitend (find-first-char measure "" " " unitstart)) (magnitude (if (< magstart 0) #f (if (< unitstart 0) (substring measure magstart (string-length measure)) (substring measure magstart unitstart)))) (unit (if (< unitstart 0) #f (if (< unitend 0) (substring measure unitstart (string-length measure)) (substring measure unitstart unitend))))) (list magnitude unit))) (define unit-conversion-alist ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP Defines the base length of specific unit names ;; DESC ;; This list identifies the length of each unit. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (list '("default" 1pi) '("mm" 1mm) '("cm" 1cm) '("in" 1in) '("pi" 1pi) '("pc" 1pi) '("pt" 1pt) '("px" 1px) '("barleycorn" 2pi))) (define (measurement-to-length measure) ;; REFENTRY measurement-to-length ;; PURP Convert a measurement to a length ;; DESC ;; Given a string containing a measurement, return that measurement ;; as a length. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLES ;; '"2.5cm"' returns 2.5cm as a length. '"3.4barleycorn"' returns ;; 6.8pi. ;; /EXAMPLES ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((pm (car (parse-measurement measure))) (pu (car (cdr (parse-measurement measure)))) (magnitude (if pm pm "1")) (units (if pu pu (if pm "pt" "default"))) (unitconv (assoc units unit-conversion-alist)) (factor (if unitconv (car (cdr unitconv)) 1pt))) (* (string->number magnitude) factor))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (dingbat usrname) ;; REFENTRY dingbat ;; PURP Map dingbat names to Unicode characters ;; DESC ;; Map a dingbat name to the appropriate Unicode character. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY ;; Print dingbats and other characters selected by name (let ((name (case-fold-down usrname))) (case name ;; For backward compatibility (("box") "\white-square;") (("checkbox") "\white-square;") ;; \check-mark prints the wrong symbol (in Jade 0.8 RTF backend) (("check") "\heavy-check-mark;") (("checkedbox") "\ballot-box-with-check;") (("dash") "\em-dash;") (("copyright") "\copyright-sign") ;; Straight out of Unicode (("raquo") "\U-00BB;") (("laquo") "\U-00AB;") (("rsaquo") "\U-203A;") (("lsaquo") "\U-2039;") (("lsquo") "\U-2018;") (("rsquo") "\U-2019;") (("ldquo") "\U-201C;") (("rdquo") "\U-201D;") (("ldquor") "\U-201E;") (("rdquor") "\U-201D;") (("en-dash") "\en-dash;") (("em-dash") "\em-dash;") (("en-space") "\U-2002;") (("em-space") "\U-2003;") (("bullet") "\bullet;") (("black-square") "\black-square;") (("white-square") "\white-square;") ;; \ballot-box name doesn't work (in Jade 0.8 RTF backend) ;; and \white-square looks better than \U-2610; anyway (("ballot-box") "\white-square;") (("ballot-box-with-check") "\ballot-box-with-check;") (("ballot-box-with-x") "\ballot-box-with-x;") ;; \check-mark prints the wrong symbol (in Jade 0.8 RTF backend) (("check-mark") "\heavy-check-mark;") ;; \ballot-x prints out the wrong symbol (in Jade 0.8 RTF backend) (("ballot-x") "\heavy-check-mark;") (("copyright-sign") "\copyright-sign;") (("registered-sign") "\registered-sign;") (else "\bullet;")))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (nth-node nl k) ;; REFENTRY nth-node ;; PURP Return a specific node in a node list (by numeric index) ;; DESC ;; Returns the 'k'th node in 'nl'. The first node in the node list ;; has the index "1". ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (equal? k 1) (node-list-first nl) (nth-node (node-list-rest nl) (- k 1)))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (constant-list value length) ;; REFENTRY constant-list ;; PURP Returns a list of the specified value ;; DESC ;; Return a list containing 'length' elements, each of 'value'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Carlisle ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(constant-list 0 4)' returns '(0 0 0 0)' ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((count (abs length)) (result '())) (if (equal? count 0) result (loop (- count 1) (cons value result))))) (define (list-head inputlist k) ;; REFENTRY list-head ;; PURP Return the head of a list ;; DESC ;; Returns the list that contains the first 'k' elements of 'inputlist'. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(list-head (1 2 3 4) 2)' returns '(1 2)'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((l inputlist) (count k) (result '())) (if (<= count 0) result (loop (cdr l) (- count 1) (append result (list (car l))))))) (define (list-put vlist ordinal value #!optional (span 1)) ;; REFENTRY list-put ;; PURP Replace a specific member of a list ;; DESC ;; Replaces the 'ordinal'th value of 'vlist' with 'value'. If 'span' > 1, ;; replaces 'ordinal' to 'ordinal+span-1' values starting at 'ordinal'. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(list-put (1 2 3 4 5) 2 0 2)' returns '(1 0 0 4 5)'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((result vlist) (count span) (k ordinal)) (if (equal? count 0) result (let ((head (list-head result (- k 1))) (tail (list-tail result k))) (loop (append head (list value) tail) (- count 1) (+ k 1)))))) (define (decrement-list-members vlist #!optional (decr 1) (floor 0)) ;; REFENTRY decrement-list-members ;; PURP Decrement each member of a list ;; DESC ;; Decrement all the values of a list by 'decr', not to fall below 'floor'. ;; ARGS ;; ARG 'vlist' ;; The list of values. All the values of this list should be numeric. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'decr' o ;; The amount by which each element of the list should be decremented. ;; The default is 1. ;; /ARG ;; ARG 'floor' o ;; The value below which each member of the list is not allowed to fall. ;; The default is 0. ;; /ARG ;; /ARGS ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR David Carlisle ;; EXAMPLE ;; '(decrement-list-members (0 1 2 3 4 5))' => '(0 0 1 2 3 4)'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (map (lambda (a) (if (<= a (+ decr floor)) floor (- a decr))) vlist)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (sgml-root-element #!optional (grove-node (current-node))) ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP Returns the node that is the root element of the current document ;; DESC ;; Returns the node that is the root element of the current document ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (node-property 'document-element (node-property 'grove-root grove-node))) (define (sgml-root-element? node) ;; REFENTRY ;; PURP Test if a node is the root element ;; DESC ;; Returns '#t' if node is the root element of the current document. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (node-list=? node (sgml-root-element node))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (length-string-number-part lenstr) ;; REFENTRY length-string-number-part ;; PURP Returns the numeric part of a length string ;; DESC ;; Given a length as a string, return the numeric part. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '"100pt"' returns '"100"'. '"30"' returns '"30"'. ;; '"in"' returns '""'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let ((digits '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\.))) (let loop ((chars (string->list lenstr)) (number-part "")) (if (or (null? chars) (not (member (car chars) digits))) number-part (loop (cdr chars) (string-append number-part (string (car chars)))))))) (define (length-string-unit-part lenstr) ;; REFENTRY length-string-unit-part ;; PURP Returns the unit part of a length string ;; DESC ;; Given a length as a string, return the units part. ;; /DESC ;; EXAMPLE ;; '"100pt"' returns '"pt"'. '"30"' returns '""'. ;; '"in"' returns '"in"'. ;; /EXAMPLE ;; /REFENTRY (let ((number-part (length-string-number-part lenstr)) (strlen (string-length lenstr))) (if (equal? (string-length number-part) strlen) "" (substring lenstr (string-length number-part) strlen)))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (normalize str) ;; REFENTRY normalize ;; PURP Normalize the str according to the SGML declaration in effect ;; DESC ;; Performs SGML general name normalization on the string; ;; used to compare attribute names and generic identifiers correctly ;; according to the SGML declaration in effect; this is necessary ;; since XML is case-sensitive but the reference concrete syntax and ;; many SGML DTDs are not. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR Chris Maden ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? str) (general-name-normalize str (current-node)) str)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (node-list->string nodelist) ;; REFENTRY node-2-string ;; PURP Return a string representation of the node list ;; DESC ;; Builds a string representation of the node list and returns it. ;; The representation is ;; ;; "gi(firstchildgi()secondchildgi(firstgrandchildgi())) secondgi()..." ;; ;; This is a debugging function, in case that wasn't obvious... ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((nl nodelist) (res "")) (if (node-list-empty? nl) res (loop (node-list-rest nl) (string-append res (if (gi (node-list-first nl)) (string-append (gi (node-list-first nl)) "(" (node-list->string (children (node-list-first nl))) ")") "")))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (include-file fileref) ;; REFENTRY include-file ;; PURP Return the literal content of fileref ;; DESC ;; Opens and loads fileref with (read-entity); returns the content ;; of fileref as a (literal). Trims the last trailing newline off ;; the file so that "the right thing" happens in asis environments. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (literal (include-characters fileref))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (include-characters fileref) ;; REFENTRY include-characters ;; PURP Return the character content of fileref ;; DESC ;; Opens and loads fileref with (read-entity); returns the content ;; of fileref as characters. Trims the last trailing newline off ;; the file so that "the right thing" happens in asis environments. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((newline #\U-000D) (file-content (read-entity fileref)) (file-length (string-length file-content)) ;; If the last char is a newline, drop it, otherwise print it... (content (if (equal? newline (string-ref file-content (- file-length 1))) (substring file-content 0 (- file-length 1)) file-content))) content)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (url-encode-char ch) ;; REFENTRY url-encode-char ;; PURP Returns the url-encoded equivalent of a character ;; DESC ;; Converts 'ch' to a properly encoded URL character. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (cond ((char=? ch #\space) "%20") ; space ((char=? ch #\U-0026) "%26") ; ampersand ((char=? ch #\?) "%3F") ; question ((char=? ch #\{) "%7B") ; open curly ((char=? ch #\}) "%7D") ; close curly ((char=? ch #\|) "%7C") ; vertical bar ((char=? ch #\\) "%5C") ; backslash ((char=? ch #\/) "%2F") ; slash ((char=? ch #\^) "%5E") ; caret ((char=? ch #\~) "%7E") ; tilde ((char=? ch #\[) "%5B") ; open square ((char=? ch #\]) "%5D") ; close square ((char=? ch #\`) "%60") ; backtick ((char=? ch #\%) "%25") ; percent ((char=? ch #\+) "%2B") ; plus (else (string ch)))) (define (url-encode-string str) ;; REFENTRY url-encode-string ;; PURP Returns str with all special characters %-encoded ;; DESC ;; Converts 'str' to a properly encoded URL string. Returns str unchanged ;; if it is not a string. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (if (string? str) (let loop ((charlist (string->list str)) (url "")) (if (null? charlist) url (loop (cdr charlist) (string-append url (url-encode-char (car charlist)))))) str)) ;; ====================================================================== (define (system-id-filename target) ;; REFENTRY system-id-filename ;; PURP Returns the filename part of the system id of target ;; DESC ;; The entity-generated-system-id of target seems to begin with a ;; keyword, usually OSFILE on my system, in angle brackets. ;; This function removes the leading OSFILE bit. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((sysid (entity-generated-system-id target)) (fnbits (split sysid '(#\>))) (fntail (cdr fnbits))) (join fntail "\U-0061;"))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (trim-string str string-list) ;; REFENTRY trim-string ;; PURP Trims the tail off of a string ;; DESC ;; If 'str' ends with any of the strings in 'string-list', trim that ;; string off and return the base string. ;; E.g., '(trim-string "filename.sgm" '(".sgm" ".xml" ".sgml")) ;; returns "filename". ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let ((strlen (string-length str))) (let loop ((sl string-list)) (if (null? sl) str (if (equal? (substring str (- strlen (string-length (car sl))) strlen) (car sl)) (substring str 0 (- strlen (string-length (car sl)))) (loop (cdr sl))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (string-index source target) ;; REFENTRY string-index ;; PURP Finds first occurance of 'target' in 'source' ;; DESC ;; Returns the position of the first occurance of 'target' in 'source', ;; or -1 if it does not occur. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let loop ((str source) (pos 0)) (if (< (string-length str) (string-length target)) -1 (if (string=? (substring str 0 (string-length target)) target) pos (loop (substring str 1 (string-length str)) (+ pos 1)))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (parse-pi-attribute pivalues #!optional (skip #f)) (let* ((equalpos (string-index pivalues "=")) (name (substring pivalues 0 equalpos)) (quotchar (substring pivalues (+ equalpos 1) (+ equalpos 2))) (rest (substring pivalues (+ equalpos 2) (string-length pivalues))) (quotpos (string-index rest quotchar)) (value (substring rest 0 quotpos)) (morevals (strip (substring rest (+ quotpos 1) (string-length rest))))) (if skip morevals (list name value)))) (define (parse-skip-pi-attribute pivalues) (parse-pi-attribute pivalues #t)) (define (parse-starttag-pi pi) ;; REFENTRY parse-starttag-pi ;; PURP Parses a structured PI and returns a list of values ;; DESC ;; It has become common practice to give PIs structured values. The ;; result is a PI that looks a lot like a start tag with attributes: ;; ;; <?pitarget name1="value1" name2='value2' name3="value '3'"> ;; ;; This function parses a PI with this form and returns a list. The ;; list contains the pitarget and each of the name/value pairs: ;; ;; ("pitarget" "name1" "value1" "name2" "value2" "name3" "value '3'") ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY (let* ((strippi (strip pi)) (spacepos (string-index strippi " "))) (if (< spacepos 0) (list strippi) (let* ((pitarget (substring strippi 0 spacepos)) (pivalues (strip (substring strippi (+ spacepos 1) (string-length strippi))))) (let loop ((values pivalues) (result (list pitarget))) (if (string=? values "") result (loop (parse-skip-pi-attribute values) (append result (parse-pi-attribute values))))))))) ;; ====================================================================== (define (string->nodes s) ;; Escape XML characters... (let* ((achars (string-replace s "&" "&#38;#38;")) (bchars (string-replace achars "<" "&#38;#60;")) (cchars (string-replace bchars ">" "&#38;#62;"))) (let ((doc (string-append "<literal><!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT " "doc - - (#PCDATA)> ]><doc>" cchars ";</doc>"))) (children (node-property 'docelem (sgml-parse doc)))))) ;; ======================================================================