;; $Id: dbparam.dsl,v 1.10 2004/10/10 11:55:10 petere78 Exp $ ;; ;; This file is part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution. ;; See ../README or http://www.nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ ;; ;; === Book intro, for dsl2man ========================================== DocBook HTML Parameters ;; Part of the Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution ;; NormanWalsh ;; ;; $Revision: 1.10 $ ;; 199719981999 ;; Norman Walsh ;; ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ;; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES ;; OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ;; NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL NORMAN WALSH OR ANY OTHER ;; CONTRIBUTOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, ;; WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ;; OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for changes ;; to Norman Walsh, <ndw@nwalsh.com>. ;; ;; ;; See http://nwalsh.com/docbook/dsssl/ for more information. ;; ;; /DOCINFO ]]> ;; REFERENCE TOC/LOT Apparatus (define %generate-set-toc% ;; REFENTRY generate-set-toc ;; PURP Should a Table of Contents be produced for Sets? ;; DESC ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Set'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-book-toc% ;; REFENTRY generate-book-toc ;; PURP Should a Table of Contents be produced for Books? ;; DESC ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Book'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define ($generate-book-lot-list$) ;; REFENTRY generate-book-lot-list ;; PURP Which Lists of Titles should be produced for Books? ;; DESC ;; This parameter should be a list (possibly empty) of the elements ;; for which Lists of Titles should be produced for each 'Book'. ;; ;; It is meaningless to put elements that do not have titles in this ;; list. If elements with optional titles are placed in this list, only ;; the instances of those elements that do have titles will appear in ;; the LOT. ;; ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (normalize "table") (normalize "figure") (normalize "example") (normalize "equation"))) (define %generate-part-toc% ;; REFENTRY generate-part-toc ;; PURP Should a Table of Contents be produced for Parts? ;; DESC ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Part'. ;; Note: '%generate-part-toc-on-titlepage%' controls whether the Part TOC ;; is placed on the bottom of the part titlepage or on page(s) of its own. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-part-toc-on-titlepage ;; PURP Should the Part TOC appear on the Part title page? ;; DESC ;; If true, the Part TOC will be placed on the Part title page. If false, ;; the TOC will be placed on separate page(s) after the Part title page. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define $generate-chapter-toc$ ;; REFENTRY generate-chapter-toc ;; PURP Should a Chapter Table of Contents be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, an automatically generated ;; chapter TOC should be included. By default, it's true. It's false if ;; the output is going to a single file and the current node isn't the ;; root element. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (lambda () (or (not nochunks) (node-list=? (current-node) (sgml-root-element))))) (define %force-chapter-toc% ;; REFENTRY force-chapter-toc ;; PURP Force a chapter TOC even if it includes only a single entry ;; DESC ;; Force chapter toc indicates whether or not an automatically generated ;; chapter TOC should be included even if it has only one entry. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %generate-article-toc% ;; REFENTRY generate-article-toc ;; PURP Should a Table of Contents be produced for Articles? ;; DESC ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Article'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define ($generate-article-lot-list$) ;; REFENTRY generate-article-lot-list ;; PURP Which Lists of Titles should be produced for Books? ;; DESC ;; This parameter should be a list (possibly empty) of the elements ;; for which Lists of Titles shold be produced for each 'Article'. ;; ;; It is meaningless to put elements that do not have titles in this ;; list. If elements with optional titles are placed in this list, only ;; the instances of those elements that do have titles will appear in ;; the LOT. ;; ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list)) (define %generate-reference-toc% ;; REFENTRY generate-reference-toc ;; PURP Should a Table of Contents be produced for References? ;; DESC ;; If true, a Table of Contents will be generated for each 'Reference'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-reference-toc-on-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-reference-toc-on-titlepage ;; PURP Should the Reference TOC appear on the Reference title page? ;; DESC ;; If true, the Reference TOC will be placed on the Reference title page. ;; If false, ;; the TOC will be placed after the Reference title page. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %annotate-toc% ;; REFENTRY annotate-toc ;; PURP Annotate TOC entries ;; DESC ;; If #t, TOC entries will be annotated (e.g., the RefPurpose ;; of a RefEntry will be displayed in the TOC). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define ($generate-qandaset-toc$) ;; REFENTRY generate-qandaset-toc ;; PURP Should a QandASet Table of Contents be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, an automatically generated TOC is produced for each ;; QandASet. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #t) ;; REFERENCE Titlepages (define %generate-set-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-set-titlepage ;; PURP Should a set title page be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, a title page will be generated for each 'Set'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-book-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-book-titlepage ;; PURP Should a book title page be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, a title page will be generated for each 'Book'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-part-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-part-titlepage ;; PURP Should a part title page be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, a title page will be generated for each 'Part'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-partintro-on-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-partintro-on-titlepage ;; PURP Should the PartIntro appear on the Part/Reference title page? ;; DESC ;; If true, the PartIntro content will appear on the title page of ;; Parts and References. If false, ;; it will be placed on separate page(s) after the title page. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-reference-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-reference-titlepage ;; PURP Should a reference title page be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, a title page will be generated for each 'Reference'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %generate-article-titlepage% ;; REFENTRY generate-article-titlepage ;; PURP Should an article title page be produced? ;; DESC ;; If true, a title page will be generated for each 'Article'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %titlepage-in-info-order% ;; REFENTRY titlepage-in-info-order ;; PURP Place elements on title page in document order? ;; DESC ;; If true, the elements on the title page will be set in the order that ;; they appear in the *info element. Otherwise, they will be set in ;; the order specified in the *-titlepage-*-elements list. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %generate-legalnotice-link% ;; REFENTRY generate-legalnotice-link ;; PURP Should legal notices be a link to a separate file? ;; DESC ;; If true, legal notices will be references to a separate file. ;; Note: the support for this handles the case where a single *INFO ;; node contains several distinct legal notices, but won't ;; handle multiple legal notices in different *INFO nodes. ;; (Each set will overwrite the previous.) A more complex ;; approach could be implemented, but this is sufficient for ;; the current demand. Let me know... ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define ($legalnotice-link-file$ legalnotice) ;; REFENTRY legalnotice-link-file ;; PURP Name of output file for legal notices ;; DESC ;; Name of the output file for legal notices if ;; '%generate-legalnotice-link%' is true. Since several legal notices ;; may occur (in a Set of Books, for example), this is no longer a fixed ;; filename. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (if (and %use-id-as-filename% (attribute-string (normalize "id") legalnotice)) (string-append (attribute-string (normalize "id") legalnotice) %html-ext%) (string-append "ln" (number->string (all-element-number legalnotice)) %html-ext%))) (define %author-othername-in-middle% ;; REFENTRY othername-in-middle ;; PURP Author OTHERNAME appears between FIRSTNAME and SURNAME? ;; DESC ;; If true, the OTHERNAME of an AUTHOR appears between the ;; FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. Otherwise, OTHERNAME is suppressed. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) ;; REFERENCE Admonitions (define %admon-graphics% ;; REFENTRY admon-graphics ;; PURP Use graphics in admonitions? ;; DESC ;; If true, admonitions are presented in an alternate style that uses ;; a graphic. Default graphics are provided in the distribution. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %admon-graphics-path% ;; REFENTRY admon-graphics-path ;; PURP Path to admonition graphics ;; DESC ;; Sets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML ;; files are created, to the admonition graphics. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "../images/") (define ($admon-graphic$ #!optional (nd (current-node))) ;; REFENTRY admon-graphic ;; PURP Admonition graphic file ;; DESC ;; Given an admonition node, returns the name of the graphic that should ;; be used for that admonition. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (cond ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "tip")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "tip" %stock-graphics-extension%)) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "note")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "note" %stock-graphics-extension%)) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "important")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "important" %stock-graphics-extension%)) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "caution")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "caution" %stock-graphics-extension%)) ((equal? (gi nd) (normalize "warning")) (string-append %admon-graphics-path% "warning" %stock-graphics-extension%)) (else (error (string-append (gi nd) " is not an admonition."))))) (define ($admon-graphic-width$ #!optional (nd (current-node))) ;; REFENTRY admon-graphic-width ;; PURP Admonition graphic file width ;; DESC ;; Given an admonition node, returns the width of the graphic that will ;; be used for that admonition. ;; ;; All of the default graphics in the distribution are 25 pixels wide. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "25") ;; REFERENCE Callouts (define %callout-graphics% ;; REFENTRY callout-graphics ;; PURP Use graphics in callouts? ;; DESC ;; If true, callouts are presented with graphics (e.g., reverse-video ;; circled numbers instead of "(1)", "(2)", etc.). ;; Default graphics are provided in the distribution. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %callout-graphics-path% ;; REFENTRY callout-graphics-path ;; PURP Path to callout graphics ;; DESC ;; Sets the path, probably relative to the directory where the HTML ;; files are created, to the callout graphics. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "../images/callouts/") (define %callout-graphics-number-limit% ;; REFENTRY callout-graphics-number-limit ;; PURP Number of largest callout graphic ;; DESC ;; If '%callout-graphics%' is true, graphics are used to represent ;; callout numbers. The value of '%callout-graphics-number-limit%' is ;; the largest number for which a graphic exists. If the callout number ;; exceeds this limit, the default presentation "(nnn)" will always ;; be used. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 10) ;; REFERENCE VariableLists (define %always-format-variablelist-as-table% ;; REFENTRY always-format-variablelist-as-table ;; PURP Always format VariableLists as tables? ;; DESC ;; When a 'VariableList' is formatted, if any of the ;; terms in the list are too long, the whole list is formatted as a ;; list. ;; ;; If '%always-format-variablelist-as-table%' is ;; '#t', the 'VariableList' will be ;; formatted as a table, even if some terms are too long. The terms that ;; are too long will format span above their associated description. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %default-variablelist-termlength% ;; REFENTRY default-variablelist-termlength ;; PURP Default term length on variablelists ;; DESC ;; When formatting a 'VariableList', this value is ;; used as the default term length, if no 'TermLength' is specified. ;; ;; If all of the terms in a list shorter than the term length, the ;; stylesheet may format them "side-by-side" in a table. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY 20) (define %may-format-variablelist-as-table% ;; REFENTRY may-format-variablelist-as-table ;; PURP Format VariableLists as tables? ;; DESC ;; If '%may-format-variablelist-as-table%' is ;; '#t', a 'VariableList' will be ;; formatted as a table, if *all of* ;; the terms are shorter than the specified ;; 'TermLength'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) ;; REFERENCE Navigation (define %header-navigation% ;; REFENTRY header-navigation ;; PURP Should navigation links be added to the top of each page? ;; DESC ;; If '#t', navigation links will be added to the top of each page. ;; If '#f', no navigation links will be added. Note that this has ;; no effect on '($user-header-navigation$)', which will still be ;; called (but does nothing by default). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %footer-navigation% ;; REFENTRY footer-navigation ;; PURP Should navigation links be added to the bottom of each page? ;; DESC ;; If '#t', navigation links will be added to the bottom of each page. ;; If '#f', no navigation links will be added. Note that this has ;; no effect on '($user-footer-navigation$)' or '(nav-footer)', which ;; will still be called (but do nothing by default). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %gentext-nav-tblwidth% ;; REFENTRY gentext-nav-tblwidth ;; PURP If using tables for navigation, how wide should the tables be? ;; DESC ;; If tables are used for navigation (see '%gentext-nav-use-tables%'), ;; how wide should the tables be? ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "100%") (define %gentext-nav-use-ff% ;; REFENTRY gentext-nav-use-ff ;; PURP Add "fast-forward" to the navigation links? ;; DESC ;; Do you want "fast-forward" navigation? Probably not is my guess. ;; I'm not sure this works real well yet. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %gentext-nav-use-tables% ;; REFENTRY gentext-nav-use-tables ;; PURP Use tables to build the navigation headers and footers? ;; DESC ;; If true, HTML TABLEs will be used to format the header and footer ;; navigation information. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) ;; REFERENCE Verbatim Environments (define %indent-address-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-address-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'Address'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %indent-funcsynopsisinfo-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-funcsynopsisinfo-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'FuncSynopsisInfo'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %indent-literallayout-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-literallayout-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'LiteralLayout'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %indent-programlisting-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-programlisting-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'ProgramListing'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %indent-screen-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-screen-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'Screen'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %indent-synopsis-lines% ;; REFENTRY indent-synopsis-lines ;; PURP Indent lines in a 'Synopsis'? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', each line in the display will be indented ;; with the content of this variable. Usually it is set to some number ;; of spaces, but you can indent with any string you wish. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-address-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-address-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'Address'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'Address' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-funcsynopsisinfo-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-funcsynopsisinfo-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'FuncSynopsisInfo'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'FuncSynopsisInfo' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-literallayout-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-literallayout-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'LiteralLayout'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'LiteralLayout' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-programlisting-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-programlisting-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'ProgramListing'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'ProgramListing' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-screen-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-screen-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'Screen'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'Screen' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %number-synopsis-lines% ;; REFENTRY number-synopsis-lines ;; PURP Enumerate lines in a 'Synopsis'? ;; DESC ;; If true, lines in each 'Synopsis' will be enumerated. ;; See also '%linenumber-mod%', '%linenumber-length%', ;; '%linenumber-padchar%', and '($linenumber-space$)'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %linenumber-length% ;; REFENTRY linenumber-length ;; PURP Width of line numbers in enumerated environments ;; DESC ;; Line numbers will be padded to '%linenumber-length%' ;; characters. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 3) (define %linenumber-mod% ;; REFENTRY linenumber-mod ;; PURP Controls line-number frequency in enumerated environments. ;; DESC ;; Every '%linenumber-mod%' line will be enumerated. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 5) (define %linenumber-padchar% ;; REFENTRY linenumber-padchar ;; PURP Pad character in line numbers ;; DESC ;; Line numbers will be padded (on the left) with '%linenumber-padchar%'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY " ") (define ($linenumber-space$) ;; REFENTRY linenumber-space ;; PURP Returns the sosofo which separates line numbers from the text ;; DESC ;; The sosofo returned by '($linenumber-space$)' is placed ;; between the line number and the corresponding line in ;; enumerated environments. ;; ;; Note: '%linenumber-padchar%'s are separated from lines ;; that are not enumerated (because they don't match '%linenumber-mod%'). ;; In other words, '($linenumber-space$)' occurs ;; on every line. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (make entity-ref name: "nbsp")) (define %shade-verbatim% ;; REFENTRY shade-verbatim ;; PURP Should verbatim environments be shaded? ;; DESC ;; If true, a table with '($shade-verbatim-attr$)' attributes will be ;; wrapped around each verbatim environment. This gives the effect ;; of a shaded verbatim environment. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define ($shade-verbatim-attr$) ;; REFENTRY shade-verbatim-attr ;; PURP Attributes used to create a shaded verbatim environment. ;; DESC ;; See '%shade-verbatim%' ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (list "BORDER" "0") (list "BGCOLOR" "#E0E0E0") (list "WIDTH" ($table-width$)))) (define %callout-default-col% ;; REFENTRY callout-default-col ;; PURP Default column for callouts ;; DESC ;; If the coordinates of a callout include only a line number, the callout ;; bug will appear in column '%callout-default-col%'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 60) ;; REFERENCE Labelling (define %chapter-autolabel% ;; REFENTRY chapter-autolabel ;; PURP Are chapters enumerated? ;; DESC ;; If true, chapters will be enumerated. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %section-autolabel% ;; REFENTRY section-autolabel ;; PURP Are sections enumerated? ;; DESC ;; If true, unlabeled sections will be enumerated. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %label-preface-sections% ;; REFENTRY label-preface-sections ;; PURP Are sections in the Preface enumerated? ;; DESC ;; If true, unlabeled sections in the Preface will be enumerated ;; if '%section-autolabel%' is true. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %qanda-inherit-numeration% ;; REFENTRY qanda-inherit-numeration ;; PURP Should numbered questions inherit the surrounding numeration? ;; DESC ;; If true, question numbers are prefixed with the surrounding ;; component or section number. Has no effect unless ;; '%section-autolabel%' is also true. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) ;; REFERENCE Tables (define %cals-table-class% ;; REFENTRY cals-table-class ;; PURP Class attribute for CALS tables ;; DESC ;; This value, if not '#f', will be used as the value of the CLASS ;; attribute on CALS tables. This allows the HTML stylesheet to ;; distinguish between HTML tables generated from tables in the ;; source document from HTML tables generated for other reasons ;; (simplelists and navigation, for example). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "CALSTABLE") (define ($table-element-list$) ;; REFENTRY table-element-list ;; PURP List of table element names ;; DESC ;; The list of table elements in the DTD. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (normalize "table") (normalize "informaltable"))) (define ($table-width$) ;; REFENTRY table-width ;; PURP Calculate table width ;; DESC ;; This function is called to calculate the width of tables that should ;; theoretically be "100%" wide. Unfortunately, in HTML, a 100% width ;; table in a list hangs off the right side of the browser window. (Who's ;; mistake was that!). So this function provides a way to massage ;; the width appropriately. ;; ;; This version is fairly dumb. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (if (has-ancestor-member? (current-node) '("LISTITEM")) "90%" "100%")) (define %simplelist-column-width% ;; REFENTRY simplelist-column-width ;; PURP Width of columns in tabular simple lists ;; DESC ;; If SimpleLists are presented in a table, how wide should the table ;; columns be? If '#f', no width will be specified. ;; ;; If not #f, this value should be a string (it will be used in the WIDTH ;; attribute on the TD for each table entry). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %epigraph-start-col% ;; REFENTRY epigraph-start-col ;; PURP Size of start indent for epigraphs. ;; DESC ;; Width of the table column which provides a starting indent for ;; epigraphs, expressed as a percentage. ;; AUTHOR Ola Lundqvist ;; /REFENTRY "45%") (define %epigraph-content-col% ;; REFENTRY epigraph-content-col ;; PURP Size of epigraph text column. ;; DESC ;; Width of the table column which contains the contents of ;; epigraphs, expressed as a percentage. ;; AUTHOR Ola Lundqvist ;; /REFENTRY "45%") (define %blockquote-start-col% ;; REFENTRY blockquote-start-col ;; PURP Size of start indent for blockquoted text. ;; DESC ;; Width of the table column which provides a starting indent for ;; blockquoted text, expressed as a percentage. ;; AUTHOR Ola Lundqvist ;; /REFENTRY "10%") (define %blockquote-end-col% ;; REFENTRY blockquote-end-col ;; PURP Size of end indent for blockquoted text. ;; DESC ;; Width of the table column which provides and end indent after ;; blockquoted text, expressed as a percentage. ;; AUTHOR Ola Lundqvist ;; /REFENTRY "10%") ;; REFERENCE Bibliographies (define biblio-citation-check ;; REFENTRY biblio-citation-check ;; PURP Check citations ;; DESC ;; If true, the content of CITATIONs will be checked against possible ;; biblioentries. If the citation cannot be found, an error is issued ;; and the citation is generated. If the citation is found, it is generated ;; with a cross reference to the appropriate biblioentry. ;; ;; A citation matches if the content of the citation element matches the ;; ID, XREFLABEL, or leading ABBREV of a biblioentry. ;; ;; This setting may have significant performance implications on large ;; documents, hence it is false by default. ;; ;; (This option can conveniently be set with '-V biblio-citation-check' ;; on the Jade command line). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define biblio-filter-used ;; REFENTRY filter-used ;; PURP Suppress unreferenced bibliography entries ;; DESC ;; If true, bibliography entries which are not cited are suppressed. ;; A biblioentry is cited if an XREF or LINK matches its ID, or if ;; a CITE element matches its ;; ID, XREFLABEL, or leading ABBREV. ;; ;; A BIBLIOGRAPHY with no entries will still be output (making a whole ;; component conditional would be _A LOT_ of work and seems unnecessary), ;; but BIBLIDIVs with no entries will be suppressed. ;; ;; This setting may have significant performance implications, ;; hence it is false by default. ;; ;; (This option can conveniently be set with '-V biblio-filter-used' on the ;; Jade command line). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define biblio-number ;; REFENTRY biblio-number ;; PURP Enumerate bibliography entries ;; DESC ;; If true, bibliography entries will be numbered. If you cross-reference ;; bibliography entries, you should probably use biblio-number or ;; consistently use XREFLABEL or ABBREV. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define biblio-xref-title ;; REFENTRY biblio-xref-title ;; PURP Use the titles of bibliography entries in XREFs ;; DESC ;; If true, cross references to bibliography entries will use the ;; title of the entry as the cross reference text. Otherwise, either ;; the number (see 'biblio-number') or XREFLABEL/ABBREV will be used. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) ;; REFERENCE OLinks (define %olink-fragid% ;; REFENTRY olink-fragid ;; PURP Portion of the URL which identifies the fragment identifier ;; DESC ;; Portion of the URL which identifies the fragment identifier ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "&fragid=") (define %olink-outline-ext% ;; REFENTRY olink-outline-ext ;; PURP Extension for olink outline file ;; DESC ;; The extension used to find the outline information file. When searching ;; for outline information about a document, the extension is discarded ;; from the system ID of the file and '%olinke-outline-ext%' is appended. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ".olink") (define %olink-pubid% ;; REFENTRY olink-pubid ;; PURP Portion of the URL which identifies the public identifier ;; DESC ;; Portion of the URL which identifies the public identifier ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "pubid=") (define %olink-resolution% ;; REFENTRY olink-resolution ;; PURP URL script for OLink resolution ;; DESC ;; OLink resolution requires a server component, '%olink-resolution%' ;; identifies that component. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "/cgi-bin/olink?") (define %olink-sysid% ;; REFENTRY olink-sysid ;; PURP Portion of the URL which identifies the system identifier ;; DESC ;; Portion of the URL which identifies the system identifier. System ;; identifiers are only used if no public identifier is provided. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "sysid=") ;; REFERENCE Graphics (define %graphic-default-extension% ;; REFENTRY graphic-default-extension ;; PURP Default extension for graphic FILEREFs ;; DESC ;; The '%graphic-default-extension%' will be ;; added to the end of all 'fileref' filenames on ;; 'Graphic's if they do not end in one of the ;; '%graphic-extensions%'. Set this to '#f' ;; to turn off this feature. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %stock-graphics-extension% ;; REFENTRY stock-graphics-extension ;; PURP Suffix for "stock" graphic files ;; DESC ;; The extension to for the graphic files which ship with the ;; Modular DocBook Stylesheet distribution. This applies to callout ;; graphics and admonition graphics. Should include the intervening ;; period in the suffix, if any. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR Yann Dirson, Adam Di Carlo ;; /REFENTRY ".gif") (define %graphic-extensions% ;; REFENTRY graphic-extensions ;; PURP List of graphic filename extensions ;; DESC ;; The list of extensions which may appear on a 'fileref' ;; on a 'Graphic' which are indicative of graphic formats. ;; ;; Filenames that end in one of these extensions will not have ;; the '%graphic-default-extension%' added to them. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY '("gif" "jpg" "jpeg" "png" "tif" "tiff" "eps" "epsf")) (define image-library ;; REFENTRY image-library ;; PURP Load image library database for additional info about images? ;; DESC ;; If true, an image library database is loaded and extra information ;; about web graphics is retrieved from it. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define image-library-filename ;; REFENTRY image-library-filename ;; PURP Name of the image library database ;; DESC ;; If 'image-library' is true, then the database is loaded from ;; 'image-library-filename'. It's a current limitation that only a ;; single database can be loaded. ;; ;; The image library database is stored in a separate directory ;; because it must be parsed with the XML declaration. The only ;; practical way to accomplish this with Jade, if you are processing a ;; document that uses another declaration, is by having a catalog ;; file in the directory that contains the image library that ;; specifies the SGMLDECL. (So if it was in the same directory ;; as your document, your document would also be parsed with the ;; XML declaration, which may not be correct.) ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "imagelib/imagelib.xml") ;; REFERENCE HTML Parameters and Chunking (define %body-attr% ;; REFENTRY body-attr ;; PURP What attributes should be hung off of BODY? ;; DESC ;; A list of the the BODY attributes that should be generated. ;; The format is a list of lists, each interior list contains the ;; name and value of a BODY attribute. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (list (list "BGCOLOR" "#FFFFFF") (list "TEXT" "#000000") (list "LINK" "#0000FF") (list "VLINK" "#840084") (list "ALINK" "#0000FF"))) (define %html-prefix% ;; REFENTRY html-prefix ;; PURP Add the specified prefix to HTML output filenames ;; DESC ;; The specified prefix will be added to all HTML output filenames. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "") (define %html-use-lang-in-filename% ;; REFENTRY html-use-lang-in-filename ;; PURP Add the source language code to the HTML output filename? ;; DESC ;; If '#t', the source language code (or the default language code, if ;; none is specified), will be added to the filename of each HTML ;; output file. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %html-ext% ;; REFENTRY html-ext ;; PURP Default extension for HTML output files ;; DESC ;; The default extension for HTML output files. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ".htm") (define %html-header-tags% ;; REFENTRY html-header-tags ;; PURP What additional HEAD tags should be generated? ;; DESC ;; A list of the the HTML HEAD tags that should be generated. ;; The format is a list of lists, each interior list consists ;; of a tag name and a set of attribute/value pairs: ;; '(("META" ("NAME" "name") ("CONTENT" "content"))) ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY '()) (define %html-pubid% ;; REFENTRY html-pubid ;; PURP What public ID are you declaring your HTML compliant with? ;; DESC ;; The public ID used in output HTML files. If '#f', then no public ID ;; is produced. If both this and %html-sysid% are '#f', then no ;; doctype declaration is produced. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (if %html40% "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" #f)) (define %html-sysid% ;; REFENTRY html-sysid ;; PURP What system ID are you declaring your HTML compliant with? ;; DESC ;; The system ID used in output HTML files. If '#f', then no system ID ;; is produced. If both this and %html-pubid% are '#f', then no ;; doctype declaration is produced. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY (if %html40% "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd" #f)) (define %root-filename% ;; REFENTRY root-filename ;; PURP Name for the root HTML document ;; DESC ;; The filename of the root HTML document (e.g, "index"). ;; If '#f', then a default name will be selected based on the element ;; type of the root element (e.g, book1.htm, set1.htm, c1.htm, etc.). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define html-index ;; REFENTRY html-index ;; PURP HTML indexing? ;; DESC ;; Turns on HTML indexing. If true, then index data will be written ;; to the file defined by 'html-index-filename'. This data can be ;; collated and turned into a DocBook index with bin/collateindex.pl. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define html-index-filename ;; REFENTRY html-index-filename ;; PURP Name of HTML index file ;; DESC ;; The name of the file to which index data will be written if ;; 'html-index' is not '#f'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "HTML.index") (define html-manifest ;; REFENTRY html-manifest ;; PURP Write a manifest? ;; DESC ;; If not '#f' then the list of HTML files created by the stylesheet ;; will be written to the file named by 'html-manifest-filename'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define html-manifest-filename ;; REFENTRY html-manifest-filename ;; PURP Name of HTML manifest file ;; DESC ;; The name of the file to which a manifest will be written if ;; 'html-manifest' is not '#f'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "HTML.manifest") (define nochunks ;; REFENTRY nochunks ;; PURP Suppress chunking of output pages ;; DESC ;; If true, the entire source document is formatted as a single HTML ;; document and output on stdout. ;; (This option can conveniently be set with '-V nochunks' on the ;; Jade command line). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define rootchunk ;; REFENTRY rootchunk ;; PURP Make a chunk for the root element when nochunks is used ;; DESC ;; If true, a chunk will be created for the root element, even though ;; nochunks is specified. This option has no effect if nochunks is not ;; true. ;; (This option can conveniently be set with '-V rootchunk' on the ;; Jade command line). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define use-output-dir ;; REFENTRY use-output-dir ;; PURP If an output-dir is specified, should it be used? ;; DESC ;; If true, chunks will be written to the 'output-dir' instead of ;; the current directory. ;; (This option can conveniently be set with '-V use-output-dir' on the ;; Jade command line). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %output-dir% ;; REFENTRY output-dir ;; PURP The directory to which HTML files should be written ;; DESC ;; The output directory can be set in two ways. An individual document ;; can specify 'output-dir="directory"' in the dbhtml PI, or the stylesheet ;; can specify the '%output-dir%'. If both are specified, the PI value ;; will be used. ;; ;; Note: the output directory is ignored if 'use-output-dir' is not '#t'. ;; (This allows the author to test stylesheets and documents without ;; accidentally overwriting existing documents.) ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %stylesheet% ;; REFENTRY stylesheet ;; PURP Name of the stylesheet to use ;; DESC ;; The name of the stylesheet to place in the HTML LINK TAG, or '#f' to ;; suppress the stylesheet LINK. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %stylesheet-type% ;; REFENTRY stylesheet-type ;; PURP The type of the stylesheet to use ;; DESC ;; The type of the stylesheet to place in the HTML LINK TAG. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY "text/css") (define %use-id-as-filename% ;; REFENTRY use-id-as-filename ;; PURP Use ID attributes as name for component HTML files? ;; DESC ;; If '%use-id-as-filename%' is true, the stylesheet will use the ;; value of the ID attribute on a component as the base filename instead ;; of using the auto-generated base. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %citerefentry-link% ;; REFENTRY citerefentry-link ;; PURP Generate URL links when cross-referencing RefEntrys? ;; DESC ;; If true, a web link will be generated, presumably ;; to an online man->HTML gateway. The text of the link is ;; generated by the $generate-citerefentry-link$ function. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) ;; REFERENCE RefEntries and FuncSynopses (define %refentry-generate-name% ;; REFENTRY refentry-generate-name ;; PURP Output NAME header before 'RefName'(s)? ;; DESC ;; If true, a "NAME" section title is output before the list ;; of 'RefName's. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %refentry-xref-italic% ;; REFENTRY refentry-xref-italic ;; PURP Use italic text when cross-referencing RefEntrys? ;; DESC ;; If true, italics are used when cross-referencing RefEntrys, either ;; with XRef or CiteRefEntry. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %refentry-xref-manvolnum% ;; REFENTRY refentry-xref-manvolnum ;; PURP Output manvolnum as part of RefEntry cross-reference? ;; DESC ;; If true, the manvolnum is used when cross-referencing RefEntrys, either ;; with XRef or CiteRefEntry. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %funcsynopsis-decoration% ;; REFENTRY funcsynopsis-decoration ;; PURP Decorate elements of a FuncSynopsis? ;; DESC ;; If true, elements of the FuncSynopsis will be decorated (e.g. bold or ;; italic). The decoration is controlled by functions that can be redefined ;; in a customization layer. See 'edbsynop.dsl'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %funcsynopsis-style% ;; REFENTRY funcsynopsis-style ;; PURP What style of 'FuncSynopsis' should be generated? ;; DESC ;; If '%funcsynopsis-style%' is 'ansi', ;; ANSI-style function synopses are generated for a 'FuncSynopsis', ;; otherwise KR-style function synopses are generated. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 'ansi) ;; REFERENCE HTML Content and CSS (define %html40% ;; REFENTRY html40 ;; PURP Generate HTML 4.0 ;; DESC ;; If '%html40%' is true then the output more closely resembles HTML 4.0. ;; In particular, the HTML table module includes COL, THEAD, TBODY, and TFOOT ;; elements, and the output documents have a proper doctype declaration. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %css-decoration% ;; REFENTRY css-decoration ;; PURP Enable CSS decoration of elements ;; DESC ;; If '%css-decoration%' is turned on then HTML elements produced by the ;; stylesheet may be decorated with STYLE attributes. For example, the ;; LI tags produced for list items may include a fragment of CSS in the ;; STYLE attribute which sets the CSS property "list-style-type". ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %css-liststyle-alist% ;; REFENTRY css-liststyle-alist ;; PURP Map DocBook OVERRIDE and MARK attributes to CSS ;; DESC ;; If '%css-decoration%' is turned on then the list-style-type property of ;; list items will be set to reflect the list item style selected in the ;; DocBook instance. This associative list maps the style type names used ;; in your instance to the appropriate CSS names. If no mapping exists, ;; the name from the instance will be used. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY '(("bullet" "disc") ("box" "square"))) (define %fix-para-wrappers% ;; REFENTRY fix-para-wrappers ;; PURP Block element in para hack ;; DESC ;; Block elements are allowed in PARA in DocBook, but not in P in ;; HTML. With '%fix-para-wrappers%' turned on, the stylesheets attempt ;; to avoid putting block elements in HTML P tags by outputting ;; additional end/begin P pairs around them. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %spacing-paras% ;; REFENTRY spacing-paras ;; PURP Block-element spacing hack ;; DESC ;; Should extraneous "P" tags be output to force the correct vertical ;; spacing around things like tables. This is ugly because different ;; browsers do different things. Turning this one can also create ;; illegal HTML. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %emphasis-propagates-style% ;; REFENTRY emphasis-propagates-style ;; PURP Support propagating emphasis role attributes to HTML ;; DESC ;; Should the role attribute of emphasis be propagated to HTML as ;; a class attribute value? ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %phrase-propagates-style% ;; REFENTRY phrase-propagates-style ;; PURP Support propagating phrase role attributes to HTML ;; DESC ;; Should the role attribute of phrase be propagated to HTML as ;; a class attribute value? ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) ;; REFERENCE Object Rules (define %example-rules% ;; REFENTRY example-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an Example ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'Example'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %figure-rules% ;; REFENTRY figure-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an Figure ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'Figure'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %table-rules% ;; REFENTRY table-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an Table ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'Table'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %equation-rules% ;; REFENTRY equation-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an Equation ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'Equation'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %informalexample-rules% ;; REFENTRY informalexample-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an InformalExample ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'InformalExample'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %informalfigure-rules% ;; REFENTRY informalfigure-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an InformalFigure ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'InformalFigure'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %informaltable-rules% ;; REFENTRY informaltable-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an InformalTable ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'InformalTable'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %informalequation-rules% ;; REFENTRY informalequation-rules ;; PURP Specify rules before and after an InformalEquation ;; DESC ;; If '#t', rules will be drawn before and after each ;; 'InformalEquation'. ;; /DESC ;; /REFENTRY #f) ;; REFERENCE Miscellaneous (define %content-title-end-punct% ;; REFENTRY content-title-end-punct ;; PURP List of punctuation chars at the end of a run-in head ;; DESC ;; If a run-in head ends in any of these characters, the ;; '%default-title-end-punct%' is not used. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY '(#\. #\! #\? #\:)) (define %honorific-punctuation% ;; REFENTRY honorific-punctuation ;; PURP Punctuation to follow honorifics in names ;; DESC ;; The honorific punctuation is placed after the honorific in ;; a name. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ".") (define %default-quadding% ;; REFENTRY default-quadding ;; PURP The default quadding ;; DESC ;; At present, this is only used on paragraphs. It specifies the ;; value of the ALIGN attribute on the paragraph. This would be better ;; done with CSS, but not all browsers support it yet and this has been ;; oft requested functionality. ;; ;; A value of #f suppresses the ALIGN attribute altogether. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %default-simplesect-level% ;; REFENTRY default-simplesect-level ;; PURP Default section level for 'SimpleSect's. ;; DESC ;; If 'SimpleSect's appear inside other section-level ;; elements, they are rendered at the appropriate section level, but if they ;; appear in a component-level element, they are rendered at ;; '%default-simplesect-level%'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 4) (define %default-title-end-punct% ;; REFENTRY default-title-end-punct ;; PURP Default punctuation at the end of a run-in head. ;; DESC ;; The punctuation used at the end of a run-in head (e.g. on FORMALPARA). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY ".") (define %footnotes-at-end% ;; REFENTRY footnotes-at-end ;; PURP Should footnotes appear at the end of HTML pages? ;; DESC ;; If '#t', footnotes will be placed at the end of each HTML page ;; instead of immediately following the place where they occur. ;; Note: support for this feature is dependent on the processing ;; performed by the (footer-navigation) function; if you replace ;; that function, make sure that you're replacement calls ;; (make-endnotes). ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #t) (define %link-mailto-url% ;; REFENTRY link-mailto-url ;; PURP Mailto URL for LINK REL=made ;; DESC ;; If not '#f', the '%link-mailto-url%' address will be used in a ;; LINK REL=made element in the HTML HEAD. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %show-comments% ;; REFENTRY show-comments ;; PURP Display Comment elements? ;; DESC ;; If true, comments will be displayed, otherwise they are suppressed. ;; Comments here refers to the 'Comment' element, which will be renamed ;; 'Remark' in DocBook V4.0, not SGML/XML comments which are unavailable. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (define %writing-mode% ;; REFENTRY writing-mode ;; PURP The writing mode ;; DESC ;; The writing mode is either 'left-to-right', or ;; 'right-to-left'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY 'left-to-right) (define ($object-titles-after$) ;; REFENTRY object-titles-after ;; PURP List of objects who's titles go after the object ;; DESC ;; Titles of formal objects (Figures, Equations, Tables, etc.) ;; in this list will be placed below the object instead of above it. ;; ;; This is a list of element names, for example: ;; '(list (normalize "figure") (normalize "table"))'. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY '()) (define firstterm-bold ;; REFENTRY firstterm-bold ;; PURP Make FIRSTTERM elements bold? ;; DESC ;; If '#t', FIRSTTERMs will be bold, to distinguish them from ;; simple GLOSSTERMs. ;; /DESC ;; AUTHOR N/A ;; /REFENTRY #f) (declare-initial-value writing-mode %writing-mode%)